

A Jánosik Kft. aktuális híreiről és eseményeiről itt olvashat részletesen.

06/18 '24

Csokoládégyárat őriznek és takarítanak

Többkörös pályázaton ismét el nyerte a szerencsi és a miskolci Nestlé gyártelepek takarítását, biztonsági őrzését és a létesítmények külterületeinek gondozását a Jánosik és Társai Kft. Pályázati sikerük fő okaként a cég stabil működését és a korábban ezeken a helyeken megelégedésre végzett munkát, a megbízható, minőségi szolgáltatást valamint a versenyképes árat jelölte meg Jánosik Lajos, a Jánosik és Társai Kft. tulajdonosa. A Nestlé ma a világ vezető élelmiszeripari vállalata. Termékeivel élen jár az egészséges táplálkozás, és életmód elterjesztésében. Magyarországon három gyárukban - több mint 2400 embert foglalkoztatnak. Az itt folyó termelésnek, illetve a termékfejlesztéseknek köszönhetően a magyarországi üzemek a Nestlé cégcsoporton belül is kiemelt szereplők. A hazánkban előállított termékek eljutnak Európa és a világ üzleteinek polcaira. A gyártás során kizárólag olyan alapanyagokat használnak, amelyek megfelelnek a magas szintű élelmiszer-biztonsági és minőségi előírásoknak. Sok más céghez hasonlóan főtevékenységük támogatására felhasználnak bizonyos szolgáltatásokat, amelyek nélkül a szervezetnek a működése elképzelhetetlen lenne. A Facility Management, azaz a műszaki létesítménygazdálkodás mely magába foglalja a takarítást, biztonsági szolgálatot és a külterület gondozást. A Jánosik Kft. több éve vezette be ezt a komplex szolgáltatását, sikerrel. Mára már országosan több multinacionális vállalatnál lát el Facility Management szolgáltatást. A Nestlé gyártelepekkel kapcsolatos elvégzendő feladatok megoldása igazi szakmai kihívásokat jelentenek. Diósgyőrben működik a Nestlé egyetlen, kizárólag üreges csokoládéfigurákra specializálódott gyáregysége. A szerencsi gyár pedig a Nestlé európai italporgyártó üzeme és itt tevékenykedik a cég közép-kelet-európai régiójának érzékszervi vizsgáló központja. Takarításnál figyelembe kell venni, hogy maximálisan betartsák az élelmiszeriparban előírt szigorú higiénés feltételeket, állandóan biztosítsák a tiszta környezet. A takarításhoz különleges gépeket használnak, például gőztisztító berendezéseket, robbanásbiztos porszívókat. A külső felületeket alpin-, és ozmózis technológiával tisztítják. Az őrző-védő munka is speciális biztonságtechnikai alkalmazásokat igényel. Saját fejlesztésű elektronikus őrnaplóval gondoskodnak a ki- és beléptetésekről, a kulcsok kezeléséről, az alvállalkozók munkájának, a rakományok ellenőrzéséről. A két telephelyen több mint ötven Jánosik Kft.-s szakember dolgozik folyamatosan.

01/20 '24

Cleaning the sites of a global company

Jánosik & Partners Ltd., one of the world's leading suppliers of sustainable packaging solutions, has been awarded the cleaning and outdoor maintenance of DS Smith's Hungarian factories, following a successful tender, Jánosik & Partners Ltd., one of the market leaders in the cleaning business, informed Jánosik Lajos, owner of the company. Jánosik & Társai Ltd.'s specialists work on a total area of 102,000 square metres at seven domestic sites of the paper-based sustainable packaging company. The cleaning sector workers have already been working at several of the packaging manufacturer's and distributor's sites, but now they also work at the Nagykáta and Füzesabony factories, as well as at the Service Centres in Sárvár and Székesfehérvár. A challenge, requiring the use of special cleaning technologies, is that the packaging materials and wrappings for food industry products also have to comply with the so-called BRC standards. The BRC Food Safety System is a strict standard that guarantees the quality of food. Not only have they been given the task of cleaning new facilities, but they have also expanded their range of services to include the maintenance of outdoor areas, internal roads, gardens, the tidying of yards and, during the winter months, snow and slush clearance. Around 20 people are involved in the work and several subcontractors have been brought in. The annual revenue of Jánosik and Partners Ltd. is almost HUF 100 million, according to the contract, which will last for several years," said Lajos Jánosik.

12/08 '23

Energy modernisation of buildings

Jánosik and Partners Ltd. has modernised a seven-storey building in Csalogány Street in Budapest for more than HUF 1 billion. The facility is operated by the Directorate General for Public Procurement and Supply and has undergone a complete energy modernisation. The large volume of work was won through a public procurement tender. Their bid was successful due to the favourable price, our references and the competence of the professionals involved in the project," said Lajos Jánosik, owner of Jánosik & Partners Ltd. The construction sector of the multi-legged company, which is considered to be among the market leaders in facility management services, has gained a lot of experience in the energy renovation of buildings. They have upgraded schools, hospitals, financial institutions and several public buildings. In the property on Csalogány Street, more than 1600 square metres of façade windows were replaced. 317 square metres of roof insulation and waterproofing were carried out. The façade was insulated with stone wool over almost 1,000 square metres. Traditional insulation materials were replaced by so-called vapour barrier insulation. The advantage of vapour-retaining mineral wool is that, due to its porous structure, it absorbs moisture at high humidity and releases it at low humidity, for example during ventilation.The gas boiler has been replaced, a solar energy system has been installed and a heat pump has been installed.The street façade on the ground floor has been given a special glazing to match the style of the building. During construction, there were 60-70 people working per day. The construction sector accounts for almost 40 percent of the 16 billion euros in annual turnover," said Lajos Jánosik.

11/06 '23

Jánosik Kft. wins the MagyarBrands award again

Jánosik and Partners Ltd. won the MagyarBrands award for the sixth time, said Jánosik Lajos Jánosik, owner of Jánosik and Partners Ltd. MagyarBrands awards Hungarian brands that can be a worthy representative of Hungarian businesses both within and outside our borders, and that represent values on the domestic and international market that attest to reliability and quality for customers. MagyarBrands has been awarded to the most successful Hungarian brands for more than a decade. To be awarded the title, a brand must be born in Hungary. Jánosik and Partners Ltd. is a 100% Hungarian-owned company. The company, which has now been recognised again, has been continuously developing its services over the past three decades in line with market needs. They are among the market leaders in the cleaning business. Their other four main activities - construction, property management, security and outdoor maintenance - operate successfully independently but complement each other, and now offer complex facility management solutions. Year on year, they have achieved a turnover of over HUF 14 billion, with a target of over HUF 15 billion this year. They clean institutions, department stores, public buildings, industrial buildings, but also hospitals and pharmaceutical factories. Their construction sector carries out general construction, civil engineering, building construction and the construction of factory buildings. They also carry out the technical management of several buildings and build parks, maintain outdoor areas. In addition to visibility, acceptance and the price of services, more and more attention is being paid to care, help, compassion and support. Thus, the award also takes into account the fact that Jánosik & Partners Ltd. has been able to maintain its staff despite the difficult labour market situation. The company provides a livelihood and competitive income for more than 1200 employees. Another criterion for the award was the fact that environmental awareness is a priority in their activities. They are committed to using environmentally friendly materials, equipment and technologies. They strive for reduced environmental and waste emissions and reduced energy use. They give priority to sustainability in their development. The high level of attention paid to physical and mental training and further training of employees, which is also positively received by their customers, was also appreciated. They also appreciated the fact that the results are reinvested back into the company by continuously improving their office buildings and machinery.

10/04 '23

Jánosik and Partners Ltd. received a prestigious award.

BORD Architect Studio has won the prestigious BIG SEE Tourism Award for the TATK-Tokaj Active Tourism Centre project. The contractor of the facility was Jánosik and Partners Ltd. We are proud that a project built by them received the award from the international jury," said Lajos Jánosik, owner of the company. Today, the BIG SEE Awards are an inspiration for unique and original creative solutions in architecture and interior design worldwide. The judging is based on strict criteria. They take into account innovation, intelligent design and originality, environmental sensitivity and sustainability. Cultural and social awareness, functionality and ergonomics, and last but not least, aesthetic and emotional appeal are also important criteria. At the foot of Mount Tokaj, at the site of an abandoned andesite mine, the newly awarded Tourist Attraction building was built. Jánosik and Partners Ltd. won the contract for the construction of the 1 billion euro project through an open public tender. A huge 100-room, five-star hotel, the Minaro Hotel Tokaj, was built on the site of an abandoned mine in the Csurgó Valley. The Active Tourism Centre building is attached to it. Jánosik & Partners Ltd., as general contractor, has been involved in several award-winning projects in recent years. The profession and the public appreciate the quality of the architecture and the high standard of the workmanship. Jánosik & Partners Ltd. has won prestigious national and international awards One of their trophies is the international Big See Award in the Architecture category for their redesign of the 1960s workshop hall on the University of Miskolc campus. It was not only the design of the new innovation centre at the University of Miskolc that won the award. The concept of putting quality first has paid off in the company's success. Earlier, the Construction Excellence Award was given for the renovation of the Rece-fice Kindergarten and Manor House in Kőbánya, where Jánosik Ltd. was also the general contractor. The design, the use of materials and the workmanship were also taken into account. The renovated Galyatető Lookout and Tourist Centre also won the audience prize in one of the world's largest architectural competitions. The Architizer A+ Awards is a highly prestigious international award, founded by the American architecture news portal in association with the Wall Street Journal Magazine and Webby. The nominees are selected by a panel of professional judges in over 100 categories. The renovation of the Galyatető Lookout was carried out by Jánosik and Partners Ltd. The company is always looking for continuous innovation and development. They spend a large part of their profits on modernising and improving their equipment. This enables them to apply the latest, most advanced technologies and innovative solutions. This is also the secret of their success in tenders requiring new architectural methods and complex construction," said Lajos Jánosik. The construction business of the multi-legged Társai Ltd., the company's 15 billion annual revenue, accounts for more than 30 percent of the company's turnover.     [gallery size="medium" columns="2" ids="34468,34473"]

09/13 '23

The Miskolc Child Health Centre is ready!

The Children's Health Centre in Miskolc, renovated with the help of Jánosik Ltd. Lajos Jánosik, owner of Jánosik and Partners Ltd., announced that the Children's Health Centre in Miskolc, which was renovated with a total investment of nearly HUF 3 billion, was inaugurated at a ceremony held recently. The building was designed to provide patients with a high level of professionalism and comfort without compromise. The investment covered several areas. The Emergency Care Unit on the ground floor was extended and the existing part of the building was completely renovated, covering more than 1000 square metres. The Burns Department and the Paediatric Surgery on the third floor have been remodelled. In the Burn Unit, a sterile ward was created with a complete mechanical renovation of more than 600 square metres. The existing paediatric operating theatre has been completely renovated. This means that everything except the load-bearing walls and the ceiling have been rebuilt. A completely new operating theatre was also built, doubling the capacity once the construction was completed. One of the most difficult tasks of the project was the construction of a new bridge connecting the GYEK and the Star Point. It was built using special precision technology. The bridge allowed for fast, closed transport between the buildings (for example: helicopter transport). All in all, the building, equipped with a new electrical network, heating and cooling system, almost 60 doors and windows, several fire doors and windows, 33 photocell doors, is one of the most modern facilities in the hospital. Last but not least, the investment has created a more economical and sustainable building in the long term. A challenge for us, as contractors, was to ensure uninterrupted medical treatment in the building during the works. And we managed this successfully, with more care than usual and with a tighter organisation of the work. In the renovated buildings, the hospital staff will feel better and patients will recover more easily," said Lajos Jánosik. [gallery columns="1" size="large" ids="33998,33996,34007,34008,34009"]

08/30 '23

15 billion target again this year

Jánosik and Partners Ltd. has set a turnover target of around HUF 15 billion for this year, and the annual figures so far show that they will meet their plan this year as well, Jánosik Lajos, owner of Jánosik and Partners Ltd., informed. They have achieved similar average turnover in the past years, which is an outstanding result. For more than 30 years, they have been providing services all over the country. Their philosophy is to ensure that all their business partners can concentrate on their own business and take off their shoulders all the other burdensome things. All this at prices they can't do themselves at the quality they guarantee. Their services have evolved over the years to meet the needs of the market. In the early days, they were mainly cleaning services. The business has steadily developed and expanded its activities to include building construction, followed by security guarding and, in the late 1990s, outdoor maintenance. A major step forward was the entry of operations into the life of the company in 2003, and with it the final structure of the company, i.e. complex facility management, was established. They are among the market leaders in this field. The company is fully Hungarian-owned. It boasts a stable staff of 1200 employees, which has been maintained steadily over the past period. There are few companies in the country that conduct a full internal due diligence every year. The most stringent certifications are met every year. A specialised external firm carries out the audit. These audits guarantee the constant quality of the service provided to clients and customers by defining, prescribing and controlling operational processes. Strict quality control is one of the best recommendations to clients. As a result of their corporate approach, they are constantly working to assume their responsibility towards society. For decades, they have been actively supporting local youth, artists and students, as well as being involved in supporting sports teams. Their cooperation with the DVTK regional sports club has deepened over time. They consider it an outstanding achievement to have played a key role in supporting the "Good Student, Good Athlete" award. They are also proud to have established their own scholarship programme, called DVTK-JÁNOSIK. This programme supports talented young athletes who excel not only in sporting performance but also in their studies. The scholarship recipients are selected by a professional jury, who are faced with difficult decisions every year, as many outstanding young talents deserve to be supported. The scholarship is a substantial sum of money, which the athlete can draw on monthly during the period of the scholarship. - We are proud of our accumulated expertise, our well-established national network, our state-of-the-art equipment, our prestigious reference list and, above all, the recurring trust of our ever-widening clientele.

07/27 '23

Beautifying public spaces in Gödöllő

Jánosik and Partners Ltd. has won the contract for the plant care works of the administrative areas of the city of Gödöllő, after 2018 again this year, for 2 years, through an open public procurement - informed the owner of the company, Jánosik Lajos. Thanks to their work, the city received the Golden Flower Award in 2019 at the Flower of Hungary competition for environmental beautification. The prestige of the award is shown by the fact that around 400 municipalities compete for the title. The competition is open only to those municipalities that have used their own resources to "flower up" their environment. The evaluation will take into account, for example, the protection of natural heritage, the preservation of priority green areas and even the quality of the air in the municipality concerned. The people of Gödöllő have already been awarded the title of Green City for their increased care of outdoor areas. The staff of Jánosik Ltd.'s outdoor maintenance department have already planted 12,000 annuals, trimmed 36,000 square metres of hedges and weeded around 7,000 square metres. In addition, half a million square metres of foliage will be collected. Outdoor maintenance has been a branch of Jánosik Ltd. for more than 25 years. Thanks to the work of their professionals, parks and playgrounds are being landscaped and maintained in many areas of the country. Several hectares of lawns and woodland are maintained to meet the needs of the profession. Every year they build parks and constantly maintain new ones and existing ones. When necessary, they use industrial alpine techniques to care for trees, prune and maintain playgrounds

06/21 '23

Jánosik Ltd is an ethical company.

A full internal audit was carried out again this year at Jánosik és Társai Ltd. The most stringent qualifications are met every year. The audit was carried out by a specialised external company, again in May this year. During the surveillance certification, their quality and environmental management system according to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards was found to be flawless. These quality management systems guarantee the constant quality of the service provided to customers and clients by defining, prescribing and controlling operational processes. Companies that have an ISO14001 Environmental Management System certify their commitment to environmental protection. Moreover, this certification also ensures that the company's staff and employees become more environmentally aware. They have also been assessed as having an MSZ 45001 Occupational Health and Safety, ISO 27001 Information Security and ISO 50001 Energy Management System. The latter is important because it helps the company reduce energy costs and greenhouse gases and waste. Jánosik és Társai Ltd. is also assessed by an international organisation. One of the most stringent certifications is SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit), which they would like to obtain again. This certification is a credible document of impeccable company work. It also means that Jánosik Ltd. is officially registered as an ethical company," said Jánosik Lajos, the owner of the company. The SMETA audit is one of the most widely used ethical audits in the world. It assesses companies on everything from human rights to environmental protection. The audit covers labour and fire protection as well as maximum respect for workers' rights. Strict quality control and the successful defence of 5 certifications year after year is one of the best recommendations to customers. The company, which is 100 percent Hungarian-owned, had a turnover of more than HUF 14 billion last year. The multi-legged company, listed among the market leaders in the cleaning business, consistently monitors and adheres to strict quality requirements," said Lajos Jánosik.

04/28 '23

Jánosik és Társai Ltd. wins the Superbrands award for the fourth time.

The Jánosik brand has once again won the Business Superbrands Award, according to Lajos Jánosik, owner of the company. For the fourth time in a row, a panel of independent marketing experts and business leaders deemed Jánosik és Társai Ltd. worthy of being included in the world's most outstanding brands. The highly prestigious award recognises outstanding brand quality and the work invested in brand building. The company has not only won the Superbrands award, it has also won the MagyarBrands award five times. These awards are given on the basis of a thorough and comprehensive analysis of the most outstanding brands operating in Hungary. To win the awards, the same strict criteria had to be met as before. The awarding of the prizes took into account the fact that Jánosik és Társai Ltd. has continuously developed its services over the past three decades in line with market needs and can now offer complex facility management solutions. It is a market leader in cleaning services. Its four other sectors - construction, property management, security and outdoor maintenance - operate successfully independently but complement each other. In recent years, they have achieved annual sales of over 10 billion. They also appreciated the fact that they reinvested this profit back into the company, constantly improving their office buildings, their machinery and their image. Their completely renovated head office building was inaugurated this year. Employees and customers alike are keen to take advantage of the attention they pay to physical and mental training and further education. This is one of the reasons why they have been able to maintain their staffing levels in a difficult labour market situation. The awards are a great help to partners, as they embody high quality and can be a decisive factor in a customer's decision," said Lajos Jánosik.

02/20 '23

Guarding the Water Directorate

Jánosik és Társai Kft. has again won the contract for the protection of the premises of the Miskolc Branch of the North Hungarian Water Directorate, in the framework of a public procurement procedure, - informed Jánosik Lajos, the owner of Jánosik és Társai Kft. State-of-the-art technology has been installed for the secure guarding of the 34,000 square metre Miskolc site. Eight cameras are used for surveillance, and the security systems are also operated, maintained, repaired, upgraded and kept in good working order. Patrols are constantly monitored using proprietary software. This electronic patrol log makes it possible to see immediately what is happening on the spot at any given moment. They can then immediately provide statistics or react to a situation if necessary. In addition, they also perform general asset protection tasks. They also carry out entry and exit of cars and lorries. They are also responsible for the protection of offices, hostels, garages, warehouses, workshops and other buildings on the premises of the Directorate. They are also responsible for guarding vehicles, machinery, tools, equipment and materials on the premises. With an annual turnover of more than HUF 10 billion, security services are one of the business areas of the multi-legged Jánosik Ltd. For more than 25 years, the company has been developing proactive security plans and operating multi-level personal and property protection systems. They plan and organise the diverse tasks in consultation with the client. Professionals with a long professional history and experience are continuously trained and their skills are regularly checked.

12/08 '22

School renovated

Students and teachers took possession of the renewed Hunyadi Mátyás Hunyadi Primary School in Varsány. The educational institution in Nógrád County has been expanded with new classrooms and specieal classrooms, a gym and a sports field with a plastic surface. The almost HUF 1 billion investment has given the school a new floor, but the staircase and the external facade have also been renewed. The one-and-a-half-year project added a total of 2000 square metres of space to the school. Jánosik and Partners Ltd. won the open public tender and carried out the extension works at the Hunyadi Mátyás Hunyadi Primary School in Varsány," said Jánosik Lajos Jánosik, owner of Jánosik és Társai Kft.. During the complete infrastructure renovation of the school, 12 classrooms and 5 special classrooms were added to the building. A new staircase and a lift were built, and the facade was insulated. The roof is covered with new tiles. The old windows were replaced with plastic ones. The schoolyard, where a sports field with a recortan surface was created, and the new gymnasium, built by the partner company, now offer space for daily physical education and active sports activities for the local community. The construction work was completed within a tight deadline of 15 months. Jánosik és Társai Kft.. had 20 workers working continuously on the construction, but at peak times 60-80 builders were involved. The large-scale construction was based on a design that combined 21st century modern requirements with local architectural needs. The appearance of the new school is in keeping with the image of the village. Students and teachers in Varsany can continue their education in an environment that meets the needs of the modern age. Varsány has a total of 60 primary and 66 secondary pupils, with 9 separate classes. The main goal of the teachers is to reduce the gaps in pupils' knowledge, to help them catch up and to nurture their talents. Among other things, the modern environment has made it possible to set up art, volleyball and football clubs. The adaptation of programmes with an eco-school approach is also an important part of the institution's educational work.

11/25 '22

Hospital renovation and extension to be completed on time

The renovation and expansion of the Children's Emergency and Accident Department of the Central Hospital and University Teaching Hospital of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County is proceeding according to schedule. A major part of the investment, worth more than HUF 2 billion, has already been completed and the partial handover has taken place recently. The experts of Jánosik and Partners Ltd., the contractor, are doing their utmost to fully open the renovated and modernised facility next spring, said Lajos Jánosik, owner of the company carrying out the renovation. More than 2,500 square metres of the Velkey László Children's Health Centre (GYEK) of the county hospital will be renovated and expanded to provide emergency and accident care. The renovation of the inpatient department of the Paediatric Surgical Trauma and Burns Unit has already been completed, while the complex reconstruction, renovation and expansion of the operating theatre is currently underway. One of the key elements of the project is the bridge linking the ambulance helipad and the central radiology service to the GYEK. The 50-metre, 120-square-metre structure was completed months ago. It is the longest bridge on the hospital site. As part of the project, the ambulatory part of the emergency care department was completed, where seven surgeries are located. The inpatient wards of the traumatology, burns and surgery departments are also complete. The operating theatre area block for paediatric surgery is still under construction and will be completed in the spring. It is a very complex unit, both architecturally and in terms of infrastructure. The 24-hour observation rooms have also been completed, with beds for a total of seven children. This will accommodate patients who do not need to be admitted to a ward of the DG ECDC because they only need shorter hospital stays. The construction of the reception area of the paediatric emergency department and the renovation of the burns ward started last October and both wards are now fully completed and operational. As part of the second phase of the development, the paediatric surgical theatres will be renewed: three operating theatres and a priority treatment unit will be renovated and expanded. As a result of the project, which is nearing completion, the NICU will be one of the most modern facilities in the hospital, with a new electrical network, heating and cooling system, almost 60 doors and windows, several fire doors and windows, and 33 photocell doors. The investment will create a more economical and sustainable building complex in the long term. A challenge for the contractors is to ensure uninterrupted medical treatment and patient care while the work is being carried out. The construction work will take around 400 days to complete, and should be finished by spring 2023," said Lajos Jánosik.

08/04 '22

Jánosik Kft. has won another cleaning tender.

Jánosik és Társai Kft. has won a tender for cleaning the Szombathely plant of one of the world's largest family-owned companies, a company that employs around 83,000 people and develops and manufactures precision components and industrial rolling and sliding bearings. The work was won in a multi-stage tender," said Jánosik Lajos, owner of Jánosik és Társai Kft. The services of the winning company, which is among the market leaders in the cleaning business, include cleaning factory halls, offices and other social premises, as well as keeping outdoor areas tidy. Full compliance with hygiene requirements is a priority in the factories. A high level of cleanliness is essential for the production of quality products. This is why, for example, the daily maintenance and refilling of the various hygiene equipment, the cleaning of hand dryers and the replacement of textile wipers were a prerequisite. In one plant, 9,200 square metres of the main building, offices, changing rooms, canteens, meeting rooms, social rooms, corridors and reception areas are cleaned daily. Twice a year, 3,400 square metres of glass surfaces are cleaned. The 35.5 thousand square metres of production area is kept clean once a week with disc-type water extraction machines. They are also responsible for the daily removal of heavily oily contamination from production. More than 62,000 square metres of outdoor areas are used to collect rubbish. Similar services are provided by the cleaners at the other factory, which covers a total of 310 thousand square metres. In both plants, snow is cleared and roads and passageways are made slip-free in winter, covering a total area of 90,000 square metres. An SLA system was introduced to monitor the work carried out, which had to be improved in response to the customer's request. Each area to be cleaned can be identified by a QR code to check that the requirements undertaken have been met. A total of 40 cleaners are working continuously on the factory floor.

05/31 '22

NATO compliant Jánosik Kft.

The audit of the military quality management system according to the military standard AQAP 2110 has been successfully completed at Jánosik és Társai Kft. The latter is one of the most stringent certifications and is of particular importance due to the war in the country's neighbourhood. It is a prerequisite for NATO supplier certification and participation in military tenders. The strict quality control and the successful defence of the 6 certifications year after year is one of the best recommendations to customers," says Lajos Jánosik, owner of the company. Last year, the 100 percent Hungarian-owned company had a turnover of more than HUF 14 billion. The integrated management system will help reduce the economic disadvantages caused by the corona virus. This is why the multi-legged company, listed among the market leaders in the cleaning business, consistently monitors and adheres to strict quality standards. A full internal due diligence is carried out every year and was followed up by an audit by a specialised external firm, again in the first half of May this year. During the surveillance certification, their quality and environmental management systems were found to be in compliance with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards. Their MSZ 45001 occupational health and safety, ISO 27001 information security and ISO 50001 energy management systems were also found to be without objection. The latter is important because it helps the company to reduce energy costs and greenhouse gases and waste. These certifications, which demonstrate compliance with internationally accepted requirements, create confidence in customers and, as a result, help them to stay competitive in the market," says Lajos Jánosik.

05/12 '22

Jánosik Kft. renovates hospital

Jánosik és Társai Kft. is to carry out the renovation of the Children's Health Centre (CHC) in Miskolc, worth almost HUF 2 billion. The company's work on the reconstruction of the Jahn Ferenc South Pest Hospital and the National Clinical Neuroscience Institute, among others, was a favourable reference for the tender, said Jánosik Lajos, owner of the company carrying out the work. The building was designed to provide uncompromising, high quality professional and comfortable services to patients. The project can be divided into several areas: - an extension of the emergency care unit on the ground floor; - a complete renovation of the existing part of the building, covering around 1000 square metres; - a conversion of the burns department and the children's operating theatre on the third floor; - in the burns department, a sterile ward will be created with a complete mechanical refurbishment of more than 600 square metres; - the existing children's operating theatre will be modernised with all but the load-bearing walls and ceiling being renewed; - a completely new operating theatre will also be built, doubling the capacity once the construction is completed. An important element of the project is the linking of the GYEK and the Central Patient Care building with an enclosed corridor, the so-called BRIDGE. The BRIDGE will make it faster and safer to move between the buildings in confined spaces, for example when patients are transported by ambulance helicopter. The structure is about 55 metres long and will be the longest bridge on the hospital site. As a result of the project, the HACCP will be one of the most modern facilities in the hospital, with a new electrical network, heating and cooling system, almost 60 doors and windows, several fire doors and windows, and 33 photocell doors. The investment will create a more economical and sustainable building complex in the long term. A challenge for the contractors is to ensure uninterrupted medical treatment and patient care while the work is being carried out. The construction work will take around 400 days to complete, with completion expected by spring 2023," said Lajos Jánosik.

03/30 '22

Jánosik és Társai Kft. and DVTK launched a scholarship programme

For the first time, Zoé Csenge Katona, a young player of the DVTK Basketball Academy, member of the U16 team, was the winner of the DVTK-Jánosik scholarship worth HUF 500,000. Jánosik és Társai Kft. and DVTK have a long history together. They have been working together in various sports for ten years. The most recent fruit of this partnership is the DVTK-Jánosik Award, which is presented every year to an outstanding junior player by a jury of professionals. Jánosik és Társai Kft. started its operations in 1989 and has grown over the past 30 years into a large company employing more than 1,000 people. In addition to cleaning services, which are their main profile, they are also highly experienced in construction, property management, outdoor maintenance and security services. As a company from Miskolc, we are proud of our achievements over the past decades and of the fact that we have become a nationally known and respected company, starting from the county - said Lajos Jánosik Jánosik, owner of Jánosik & Partners Ltd. - We consider it important to support local values, and we consider DVTK, as the largest regional multi-sport club, to be a suitable partner in every respect. The cooperation between Jánosik and Partners Ltd. and DVTK has a history of more than a decade. In the past, the company provided special cleaning services for the stadium area, and in addition to various departments (football, volleyball, equestrian sports, etc.), it also regularly provides TAO support to the club to ensure its smooth operation. This philosophy permeates the daily life of the company, for example, we offer our employees the opportunity to take part in Zumba or spinal yoga classes from time to time and we organise several hikes together every year. Sport and a healthy lifestyle are very much in line with DVTK's philosophy, which has provided a great basis for fruitful cooperation in the past," said Lajos Jánosik. In addition to sports cooperation, DVTK and Jánosik és Társai Kft.. have also cooperated in several areas in supporting young people. At the international tournament, the best DVTK player was awarded a special prize. In addition, the company is a major sponsor of the DVTK Scholarship Programme for secondary school students with outstanding performance in mathematics and physics at state-run secondary schools in Miskolc. The importance of learning in a young person's life cannot be questioned and the love of a healthy lifestyle and sport is just as important. A balance between the two will result in a balanced and happy adulthood. This is what we want to motivate young people to achieve, and the result is the half a million forint scholarship programme we have just launched, with which we want to support a deserving young athlete from Diósgyőr every year - said Gábor Szabó, Marketing Director of Jánosik és Társai Kft.. She is a dominant talent in her age group, works well in training, and develops her skills in individual training before school. She is developing his individual qualities nicely, I am sure we will hear more about her in the future. The scholarship is in a very good place, among the many excellent athletes, it is an honour that Csenge was chosen - said Erzsébet Ambrus, head coach of the DVTK U14 team. "We are honoured by the initiative of Jánosik and Co., especially it is heartwarming that they support the development of a current junior player with the scholarship, because young people are our future. As a multisport club in Miskolc, it is a pleasure to work with a Miskolc company, as it is a good example of the potential of the city in the region. I hope that DVTK will be able to support many more such great initiatives, and on behalf of the club I would like to thank Jánosik and Partners Ltd. for their support to Csenge and the future award winners - concluded Dr. Péter Világi, Director of Communications and Marketing of DVTK.

02/02 '22

Delivering a complex service

Jánosik és Társai Kft. has won a new security service and cleaning contract in a competitive tender Jánosik és Társai Kft.'s cleaning and security specialists will now work at the Arago Green Tech Ltd. headquarters in Sajókeresztúr, Jánosik Lajos, owner of the company that won the tender, informed. In total, they will be cleaning the building's interior spaces and surfaces on nearly 10,000 square metres. Arago Green Tech is an environmentally conscious greenfield investment in the remanufacture of used car parts, committed to sustainable development. They use state-of-the-art ultrasonic cleaning processes, 3D metal printing technology, precision machining and modern production lines in their manufacturing activities. This is why it was important to find a partner with a similar high technical standard and a sustainable approach to cleaning. Jánosik és Társai Kft.. had the necessary references for their selection. They are able to use the most modern cleaning equipment and environmentally friendly, degradable products to keep the building clean. For example, they use an osmosis machine to clean the glass surfaces. They will use a digitalised SLA system to monitor the work carried out, so that they can track compliance with the requirements they have undertaken with an objective metric. In addition to cleaning, the security service has also been contracted. The service, which lasts almost 2,000 hours a month, will include the operation of a detection gate and a baggage screening X-ray in addition to the general security duties of the complex. All guards on duty have completed a basic course in radiation protection. They will also use an electronic logbook developed in-house. A 24-hour monitoring centre between the duty stations and Jánosik Kft.. will facilitate fast and reliable communication, monitoring and control of the duty stations and the necessary measures.

11/25 '21

Jánosik Kft. renovates the Piarist College

The renovation of the Piarist College in Sátoraljaújhely continues. After the successful reconstruction of the first phase, the interior spaces are now to be modernised. Jánosik és Társai Kft. won the 854 million HUF investment in a three-round, invitational tender, said the owner of the company, Lajos Jánosik. The first phase of the renovation was completed in February this year. Its flawless execution was a good reference for Jánosik Ltd. In one and a half years, the roof structure of the building was renovated, the façade and courtyard windows were replaced, the external façade was renewed, the walls were waterproofed and the attic slab was insulated. In the current round, work will focus on upgrading the interior surfaces, covering a total of 2,633 square metres. The 17th century dormitory needs to be upgraded and extended to provide modern and homely conditions for the young people living there. It is interesting to note that the dormitory rooms for the current students were originally monastic cells in a monastery built long ago. New wall openings will be created, mechanical rooms will be installed in the attic and the connection to the district heating system will be solved. The renovated dormitory building will include living rooms with en-suite bathrooms, bright corridors, and communal spaces for learning and meeting. There will also be a gym for healthy living. The building will accommodate 90 secondary school students. Many young people will have access to opportunities they would not otherwise have. There will also be a 100-serving canteen kitchen to serve the residents. The renovation of the listed building requires special architectural techniques. Modern building surveillance and access control systems, sound systems and adequate lighting will be used. The contractor is in constant consultation with the monument inspectorate and the restorers. The plans are constantly reviewed and updated by the design team. The construction works must be organised and carried out in such a way that the permissible noise exposure levels are complied with. This is strictly monitored and enforced. Between 20 and 50 people a day are working on the site, which should be completed by the end of next year at the latest.

10/12 '21

Jánosik Kft. wins the MagyarBrands award again

Jánosik és Társai Kft. has won the MagyarBrands award for the fifth time, Lajos Jánosik, owner of Jánosik és Társai Kft., informed. The MagyarBrands title has been awarded to the most successful Hungarian brands for more than a decade. To be awarded the title, the brand must have been created in Hungary and founded by Hungarians. Jánosik és Társai Kft. is 100 percent Hungarian-owned. The award is a great help to consumers, as it embodies high quality and can be a decisive factor in a customer's decision. The pandemic has fundamentally changed customer expectations. In addition to awareness, acceptance and price, care, help, compassion and support are becoming increasingly important. In awarding the prize, the fact that Jánosik és Társai Kft. has been able to maintain its workforce despite the difficult labour market situation was also taken into account. The company provides a livelihood and competitive income for more than 3000 employees. Another criterion for the award was the fact that environmental awareness is a priority in their activities. They are committed to using environmentally friendly materials, equipment and technologies. They strive for reduced environmental and waste emissions and reduced energy use. They give priority to sustainability in their development. The high level of attention paid to physical and mental training and further training of employees, which is also positively received by their customers, was also appreciated. Over the last three decades, they have continuously improved their services in line with market needs. They are among the market leaders in the cleaning business. Their other 5 core activities, construction, property management, security, outdoor maintenance and catering, operate successfully independently but complement each other, and can now offer complex facility management solutions. In the past, they achieved year-on-year revenues in excess of EUR 14 billion. They clean institutions, department stores, public buildings, industrial buildings, but also healthcare facilities, hospitals and pharmaceutical factories. Their construction sector is involved in general construction, civil engineering, building construction, factory buildings and cleaning rooms. They also carry out the technical management of several buildings and build parks and maintain outdoor areas. It was also appreciated that they reinvest their profits back into the company, continuously improving their office buildings and machinery.

09/23 '21

Jánosik és Társai Kft. is building a special facility in a special place in Tokaj.

They are building a Tourist Attraction at the foot of the mountain, at an abandoned andesite mine. The historic Tokaj-Hegyalja wine region, which was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2002, is a cultural landscape and an important tourist destination. A huge 100-room, five-star hotel, the Minaro Hotel Tokaj, will open in the near future on the abandoned mining site of the Csurgó Valley. It will be connected to the Active Tourism Centre building. Jánosik és Társai Kft. won the contract for the construction of the 1 billion euro project in an open public tender, according to Jánosik Lajos, owner of the company. The facility will house a 400-seat event hall, which will also include 12 single display kitchens offering gastronomic experiences and an outdoor kitchen. The building will have a useful floor area of 450 square metres. The construction will include a complete landscaping of the gardens and landscape, with rock gardens, rock steps and walkways, covering a total area of 3,000 square metres. The special site is a deep semi-circular cauldron. Only the two ends of the building will be visible, the rest will be underground. Local stones and materials will be used, as the aim is to create a natural environment. In the Csurgóvölgy quarry, it is almost natural to go back to and reuse local natural materials. The hard andesite, mined for many generations mainly for foundations, is now used as a real stone foundation. The designers intended the effect to be one of returning the quarried material to nature. The challenges of construction are the lack of space and the presence of natural forces. It rains almost every day. The loose soil is like desert sand when dry, but like a skating rink when wet. Seven to eight metres high loess and rock walls surround the terrain. At the base there is bedrock and stratified water downwards. The reinforced concrete building is set in this environment. A total of 90 tons of reinforcing steel and 700 cubic metres of concrete will be installed. During the excavation work, a considerable amount of earth is moved and used to build embankments, dams and mounds. Half a hundred people are working on the project, which will take a year to complete," said Lajos Jánosik.  

08/02 '21

Cleaning of large office buildings

By undertaking environmentally friendly technology, Jánosik és Társai Kft., one of the market leaders in cleaning services, won the maintenance of one of the largest new office buildings in Budapest. More than 36,000 square meters of the two interconnected, six-storey, A+ category office buildings on the banks of the Danube are kept clean and taken care of every day by the company’s specially trained employees – informed Lajos Jánosik, the owner of Jánosik és Társai Kft. Evosoft Hungary Kft. previously operated at several sites and has been cleaned by Jánosik és Társai Kft. since 2013.  The company merged its units and moved to a new office building. Jánosik és Társai Kft. won the cleaning of the new location in a tender.  The fact that they were satisfied with the company’s previous work also contributed to the successful application. The other owner of the semi-detached house also entrusted Jánosik with cleaning services for the common areas. The office buildings serving the research and development tasks also have an underground garage on 4 levels, a 720 square meter kitchen and a 1,900 square meter warehouse area. The buildings form a harmonious unit not only in their function but also in their façade design. In the new headquarters, laboratories and offices were located on the upper floor levels, while on the ground floor, there were server, servicing and background functions providing units created.  On the 5th floor, walkable green roofs and terraces accessible from the offices have been created. Cleaning of buildings requires special technologies. In addition to environmentally friendly cleaning and chemicals, energy efficiency is also a primary consideration. Selective waste collection and waste compaction is one of our best practices. The office building is currently not fully occupied. When full capacity is reached, 26 part-time cleaners and 2 on-duty and 1 yard forklift driver ensure that it is clean at all times, in order. The cleaning business receives 50 percent of the revenues of the multi-legged company. As in previous years, the total revenue of Jánosik és Társai Kft. planned for this year may exceed HUF 14 billion.

07/07 '21

Plenty of awards for high-quality work

Both the profession and the public value quality architecture and high-quality workmanship. The investments implemented by Jánosik és Társai Kft. win the prestigious, domestic and international awards one after another. One of their most recent trophies is the International Award in the Architecture category of the Big See Award for the redefinition of the spaces of the workshop hall, built on the campus of the University of Miskolc, built in the 1960’s.  This building renovation is expected to have a chance at the grand prize in October this year. The owner of Jánosik és Társai Kft., Lajos Jánosik, made a statement about the recognitions. During the university investment, new research sites were created in the building hosting the newly established Center for Advanced Materials and Smart Technologies Higher Education Industrial Cooperation (FIEK), as well as an Innovation and Start-up Center.  Youthful, inspiring spaces that strengthen creative energies, but are also suitable for representation, were created. It was not only the construction of the new innovation center of the University of Miskolc that was awarded. The concept of putting quality above all else has brought results to the company’s success.  Previously, they received a Prix d’Excellence Award for the renovation of the nursery school named ‘Rece-fice Óvoda és Manóvár’ in Kőbánya, where the general contractor was Jánosik Kft. The prestigious recognition in the public building category was awarded by the professional jury. Awarding also took into account design, use of materials and construction.  In the opinion of the jury, the new facade made the entire facility modern and architecturally valuable in appearance. The most important aspect was to create a playful, homey, aesthetic, interesting and stimulating environment for children of different age groups. The colourful, varied look on both the exterior and interior areas served this purpose.  The renovated Galyatető lookout tower and tourist center has won the audience price of one of the largest architectural competitions of the world. The Architizer A+ Awards prize is a very prestigious international recognizion, founded by, an American architectural news portal together with the Wall Street Journal Magazine and Webby. A professional jury selected the best candidates in more than a hundred categories. For the Galyatető lookout tower, the renovation of which was performed by Jánosik és Társai Kft., votes could be submitted in the Renovation category, and thanks to the voters, it managed to won the audience prize. The special site required several special procedures for construction. The construction took place in an area subject to environmental protection, so increased attention was paid to protecting the environment. For example, a tower crane could not be used to build the new lookout section. The new part of the tower was constructed by hand with small panel shutters.  During the work, the workers have paid special attention to the environment, protecting the existing trees and vegetation. The reconstruction of the lookout tower corresponding to the height of a 10-storey residential building involved special preparations. The company’s core values include continuous renewal and development, based on the latest technologies and innovative solutions. That is why the company is successfully bidding for new contracts requiring complex construction, using exceptional technologies and modern building materials – said Lajos Jánosik.

06/16 '21

A district office was built from a rheumatism hospital

Jánosik és Társai Kft. transformed a building that had not been used for years and had previously served as a rheumatism hospital into a district office and government customer service The client of the more than HUF 860 million construction was the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Government Office.  The work was won through a public procurement procedure – informed Lajos Jánosik, the owner of Jánosik és Társai Kft. The works on the ground-floor building with a basement, located in the center of Ózd, with a total floor area of 3,890 square meters, was completed in six months in record speed. Internal room dividers, claddings were demolished and new walls were erected as required. All doors and windows were replaced. The slab and facade were subsequently insulated. Electrical and mechanical systems have also been refurbished. A solar panel system was installed on the roof. The offices were made partially air conditioned. The company covered the entire building with suspended ceilings, painted the walls and also placed new cladding.  The new office also has a car park. An average of 80 people worked on the construction site. In the renovated building, in addition to the activities of the district office, the organisational units perform family support, pension and health insurance, land office, construction, as well as public health, food safety and animal health functions.  In the future, the people living in Ózd and its area will be able to settle all matters that fall within the competence of the government office and the district office in one place in a comfortable, cultured environment. Patients struggling with rheumatic complaints have not been left without care, they are received in the modern, new rheumatism wing of the Pál Almási Balogh Hospital in Ózd.

05/18 '21

Jánosik és Társai Kft. does not give up on quality

This year, due to the epidemic situation, Jánosik és Társai Kft. was inspected by external auditors in accordance with special rules. Using internet technology, not letting go of anything strict, the company was rated. The strict quality control and the successful defense of the 6 certifications is one of the best guarantees for the customers – said Lajos Jánosik, the owner of Jánosik és Társai Kft. Last year, the sales revenue of the 100% Hungarian-owned company with an integrated management system exceeded HUF 15 billion. They try to minimize the economic disadvantages caused by the coronavirus.  One of the keys to this is that the company - that pays special attention to diversification - one of the market leaders in the cleaning business, consistently monitors and adheres to strict quality standards.  After the full internal screening, the specialized external company finished the audit in the first half of May also in this year. During the surveillance certifications, their quality and environmental management system according to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards was found to be impeccable. The MSZ 45001 occupational safety, ISO 27001 information security and ISO 50001 energy management systems of the company were also assessed as flawless.  This latter one enables the company to reduce energy costs and reduce the amount of greenhouse gases and waste.  At the same time, the audit of the military quality management system according to the military standard AQAP 2110 took place. The latter is one of the most stringent certificates. The possession of it is a prerequisite for NATO supplier qualification and participation in military tenders. These certificates certifying the fulfillment of internationally accepted requirements create customer confidence, thus helping the marketability and competitiveness – said Lajos Jánosik.

04/23 '21

The primary school in Varsány is being expanded and renewed

The Matthias Hunyadi Primary School in Varsány, to be renovated soon, will be expanded with new classrooms and specialized classrooms, a gym and a sports field covered with plastic, amongst others. During the nearly HUF 1 billion investment, the educational institution will receive a new building level, but the staircase and the external facade will also be renewed. During the one and a half year investment, the school will be expanded by a total of 2,000 square meters. Jánosik és Társai Kft. won the expansion works of the Mátyás Hunyadi Primary School in Varsány, in an open public procurement – informed Lajos Jánosik, the owner of the company.  The school had already been emptied and pupils were able to start the second semester in educational institutions in the surrounding settlements. During the complete infrastructural renovation of the school, the building will be expanded with 12 classrooms and 5 specialist classrooms. A new staircase and elevator will also be built, and the facade is being insulated. New tiles will be placed on the roof. The old ones are replaced with plastic doors and windows. The school yard will offer space for everyday physical education and active sports opportunities for the local community, where a sports field will be created with a surface used for running tracks, and a new gymnasium will be built, which will be implemented by the partner construction company. There is a tight deadline for construction, a total of 15 months. Currently, 20 employees of Jánosik és Társai Kft. are working on the construction, but 60-80 builders will also take part in the works during peak time. Large-scale construction is based on a plan that combines modern 21st-century expectations with local architectural needs. All this means that the appearance of the school under renovation will be in line with the image of the village.  Pupils and teachers in Varsány are expected to start the 2022/23 school year in a renewed environment that meets the needs of the modern age.

03/12 '21

Jánosik Kft. cleans the Hungarian National Museum

Jánosik és Társai Kft. won the public procurement procedure for the cleaning of the Hungarian National Museum for 2 + 1 years. The company has to clean and keep clean almost 47.5 thousand square meters in 8 locations – informed Lajos Jánosik, the owner of Jánosik és Társai Kft.  The cleaning of the artificial stone coverings and ornate architectural elements in the monumental building of Hungary’s first national museum, designed by Mihály Pollack, requires special attention. In its daily work, the company can only use chemicals and tools validated by the museum which are environmentally friendly and in accordance with the aspects of artefact protection; those that preserve and protect the outstandingly important material memories of Hungarian history, the condition of the artefacts.  In the course of their work, they collaborate with museologists and art conservation professionals. The employees of Jánosik és Társai Kft. will be responsible, among other things, for the special, high-quality disinfection, such as, the cleaning of the handles and counters, which will receive special attention due to the coronavirus epidemic. The company’s 20 employees work day by day to ensure that visitors can always be greeted by a clean environment. Jánosik és Társai Kft. already has several outstanding references. The company’s employees clean, among other things, office buildings, hospitals, factories, shopping malls. The cleaning business has benefited 50 percent of the sales revenue of the company - that pays special attention to diversification - exceeding HUF 15 billion for years.

01/25 '21

Innovative software was developed by Jánosik és Társai Kft.

Innovative software was developed by Jánosik és Társai Kft. Jánosik és Társai Kft. developed and introduced special, innovative software. They allow clients to accurately track and control the work done by the company.  The developed software can be used in many areas: amongst others,  guarding, operation, outdoor care and cleaning. The company also thought of job seekers. For them, a much simpler and more transparent application interface has been developed. The so-called E-guard diary belongs to the line of newly developed, innovative programs - started Lajos Jánosik, the company owner of Jánosik és Társai Kft. - This electronic system, which complies as far as possible with data protection regulations, has replaced the previously paper-based documentation. With the help of the intelligent program, they can monitor the traditional guard log functions: technical failures, patrol management, entry and exit of persons and vehicles, or the issuance of keys and other devices, for example.  Jánosik és Társai Kft. has been paying special attention to the observance of high quality requirements for many years. To this end, they have developed their own quality control program, primarily for the cleaning business. The software generates a random set of inspection tasks for the manager of the given area, based on the specifics of the area, and the employees of the company are obliged to perform and document the inspections accordingly.  The customer receives the results immediately and can even control them if he deems it necessary. The software supporting operational tasks has already been named.  The program called Jánosik FM is suitable for performing operational tasks, from the request for quotation to the completion of works.  Within the program, it is possible to manage worksheets, additional work and certificates of completion. But the software also allows you to attach an invoice. For the - amongst others - outdoor works, the company has developed a GPS-based verification system that allows the client to check the performance of work even from their own home. Images taken with a smartphone or even a digital camera are automatically documented and checked by the software, and changes in the work area are sorted according to the coordinates provided by the client. Any changes visible in the photos will be detected and indicated by the program. The employees of the company make recordings both before and after the completion of the given work, which are uploaded into the system, so that the customer has accurate information about the progress of the work within a minute. Jánosik és Társai Kft. has also created a special computer system for the recruitment of labour force, with which the individual sectors can compile advertisements that meet their specific needs.  Colleagues only have to provide answers to the questions in the questionnaire (educational attainment, work schedule, area of interest, etc.) and the software itself generates a single ad text from the answers provided.  These will be published on the appropriate recruitment interface, and advertisers will receive an automatic confirmation of their ad submissions, and applicants will also be notified.  

11/16 '20

The specialist of disinfectant cleaning

An equipment for the production of stabilized ozone water and other electrical disinfection equipment was procured, disinfection teams were trained, and new types of chemicals were applied at Jánosik és Társai Kft., one of the market leaders in the field of cleaning services. The owner of the company, Lajos Jánosik, also said that the virus epidemic forced the company to introduce new technologies, tools and working methods. Home office work schedules and confinement measures have significantly reduced customers’ daily cleaning needs at the company.  At the same time, out of five hundred occasional offers, a hundred are related to disinfection or disinfectant cleaning.  In addition, where daily cleanup is performed, regular disinfection is carried out, too. There is a food company that requests weekly disinfection with special equipment. As Jánosik és Társai Kft. also provides cleaning services in hospitals, pharmaceutical factories and retail chains, the company had to map out how it can make up for the sudden shortage of traditional disinfectants. With the equipment based on ozone water technology acquired in this way, 99.99 percent of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens can be destroyed.  It is 50% more efficient than chlorine, environmentally friendly and does not contain substances harmful to health. In addition to cleaning with traditional disinfectants, the company also uses three types of electrical equipment, two of which disinfect air space and surfaces by producing cold mist, and the third uses a spray process to disinfect all horizontal and vertical surfaces.   The staff of their special mobile disinfection team use devices that can disinfect the air spaces and surfaces of facilities with a floor space of up to thousands of m2 in a short time, with a virucidal solution. The use of such equipment requires a gas master’s qualification.  As in previous years, the total revenue of Jánosik és Társai Kft. - a company that pays special attention to diversification - planned for this year may exceed HUF 10 billion. Of this, the cleaning business benefits to an extent of more than fifty percent.

10/17 '20

Construction of a kindergarten and nursery school

The company Jánosik és Társai Kft., which became a specialist of Church properties, was commissioned to build Greek Catholic Church properties.  It won the full construction of the denominational kindergarten and nursery school in Sajószentpéter through an open public procurement tender. During the evaluation of the company’s application, special attention was paid to the materials with the best technical parameters given during the undertaking – informed company owner Lajos Jánosik.  In bringing the decision in favour of Jánosik és Társai Kft., the fact that in recent years, several Church institutions have been renovated by the company to the clients’ satisfaction was also determining. Among other things, a Greek Catholic church was built in Mezőkövesd, a new Reformed church and a congregation house were built in Miskolc, a Reformed kindergarten was renovated in Budapest, and the building of the Greek Catholic Primary School in the centre of Borsod County was renovated and expanded. During the construction in Sajószentpéter, a total of 900 square meters of building parts will be constructed in two phases. The first task was to build the kindergarten and the building serving it. This was accompanied by the construction of a modern playground, the carrying out of gardening work and the construction of a paved car park. In the second phase, the construction of the nursery building will follow, where the establishment of a modern playground, gardening works and the construction of the associated car park are also among the tasks to be performed.  A special technological procedure is used to place the solar system in the roof plane of the nursery school. The placement of built-in wooden furniture is not a standard job either. A climbing wall was also installed in the nursery building. In a very short time, within 150 calendar days, the implementation work of the server building of the nursery schooll was completed.  On average, 25-50 workers worked on the investment of almost net 520 million forints - said Lajos Jánosik.  

09/08 '20

Within the framework of the Interreg programme, Jánosik és Társai Kft. is renovating a memorial park

Within the framework of an open public procurement procedure, Jánosik és Társai Kft. won the renovation of the Kazinczy Memorial Park in Széphalom, Sátoraljaújhely.  The park was last renovated nearly fifty years ago. The very attractive memorial park is a protected natural value.  The renewable area is 4.5 hectares. As Lajos Jánosik said, the park and the Kazinczy Mausoleum (also known as the Kazinczy Memorial Hall or Memorial Building) will be renovated during the investment of more than HUF 230 million. In the course of the works, among others, the electrical network of the monument building will be reborn, and then new heating and dehumidification equipment will be installed. During the renovation of the park, the company is trying to restore the original condition. The curiosity of the garden is that on the south side of the memorial hall, there stood a very old twisted white acacia tree, probably planted by Ferenc Kazinczy himself. According to oral tradition, this was received from Samuel Tessedik, the proponent of afforestation in the lowlands, the domestic distributor of acacia, which is why the locals call it the Tessedik tree. The tree burned under mysterious conditions in the summer of 1996, its stump got ruined.  However, the scion of the Tessedik acacia is already growing, and the sculptor László Égerházy made a work of art from one of the relatively intact pieces of burnt wood, which can be seen on the site of the Tessedik acacia. Within the framework of the Interreg - cross-border - programme, the employees of Jánosik Kft. carry out the selection of the tree portfolio in the garden, cut out the trees in dangerous condition, clean up the bushy area and remove unsuitable tree species.  The spatial structure itself is reconstructed from a 1932 aerial photograph. The authentic restoration of the garden’s former promenade network and the replacement of certain missing promenade sections will also take place. The concrete curbs made in the late 1970’s will be replaced and a new pavement will be created on the walkways with proper water drainage.  The most interesting part of gardening is that the marking of the foundations of Kazinczy’s former mansion will be solved with gardening tools.  Until the expected inauguration of the garden and mansion, about twenty people a day will work on the investment.

07/30 '20

Belorussian guests visited our company

His Excellency Aleksandr Ponomarev the Belorussian Ambassador to Hungary and Chekan Vadim Grigorievich the first vice-governor of the Gomel region visited our company recently. The high-ranking Belorussian delegation met Lajos Jánosik, owner of Jánosik és Társai Kft. The managing director presented Miskolc to the guests and described the activity of the company. During the meeting discussing the strategies for the next year, it was mentioned that the company engaged in several sectors, having six branches and achieving annual turnover of HUF 15 milliard has good references and much experience. Lajos Jánosik explained that the Kft has been present on the market for almost 30 years throughout the whole country and has several hundred satisfied clients. They provide job and subsistence for more than 3000 people. One secret of their success is that reliability, accuracy and quality have key role in their business philosophy. From the Hungarian companies, only a few can tell about themselves that they have such strict quality management, management system integrating 6 standards as Jánosik és Társai Kft. „We create value and ensure job and safe subsistence” – summarised the most important characteristics of the company Lajos Jánosik. The Belorussian guests heard the account of the managing director interestedly and negotiated the possible cooperation and future meetings. The program ended at the President of the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County General Meeting, Boglárka Bánné dr Gál, where the parties discussed the opportunities of cooperation and assured each other of their support based on mutual benefits

06/17 '20

Jánosik Kft has become specialist in construction of church buildings

Jánosik és Társai Kft won again renewal of a church property. Now they were commissioned to construct the new social care centre of the Baptist Szeretetszolgálat (Love Service) in Miskolc. The several decades’ experience in construction industry and the renewal of several church properties, temples seemed to be an excellent reference - told Lajos Jánosik managing director. The company is engaged in several sectors, market leader in cleaning, and achieves annual HUF 15 milliard turnover. Its construction industry branch receives almost 50% of the total revenues. They have performed building renewal of total 100 000 square meters with 200 employees and 500 000 working hours. They built a Greek Catholic temple in Mezőkövesd, a new Reformed temple and congregation house in Miskolc, renewed a Reformed nursery school in Budapest, and transformed and enlarged the building of the Greek Catholic primary school in the Borsod County Centre. One half of the twin house having town significance functioned as an operating institution during the operations as well. It made the construction difficult. The other half of the building required compete renewal. They strengthened the structural walls, built new reinforced concrete floor structure. As a special architectural solution, the level of the floor structure had to lower by 1.2 meter in order for the loft to be built in. New floors, partition walls were built, which involved the modification of the engineering and electric system. The doors and windows were replaced; the façade was heat-insulated. Rehabilitation of the building had to be solved in such a way that the original frontal image, mass ratio and roof shape do not change. On the average 10-12 workers were working on the construction and we managed to complete the work in a half year.

05/16 '20

They insist on quality

The strictest audit is done at Jánosik és Társai Kft year by year. As a result of the pandemic situation, the external auditors conducted the audit with special rules observed this year. Insisting on the strict quality requirements, they audited the company by means of Internet technology. They found that everything is all right, and it is very good because the strict quality management and the successful certification of the six audits mean one of the best guarantees towards the clients – said Lajos Jánosik company owner. Notwithstanding the virus situation, they did not give up the renewal of the quality assurance systems. The sales turnover of the company owned by Hungarian persons in 100 percent and having integrated management system exceeded HUF 15 milliard last year. They try to minimise the economic disadvantages caused by the corona virus pandemic. One of the key for it is that the company engaged in several sectors consistently controls and keep to the strict quality requirements. Following the full-scale audit, the auditors of external companies specialized in it finished the qualifications in the first half of May. They renewed our quality and environmental management systems as per ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards as well as performed the audit of the labour safety management system as per MSZ 45001, information security system as per ISO 27001 and energy management system as per ISO 50001. This latter makes it possible for the company to diminish the energy costs and decrease the amount of gases, wastes causing greenhouse effect. The audit of the military quality management system as per the standard AQAP 2110 was also finished recently. This latter is one of the strictest certificates. Its existence is the precondition of the NATO supplier qualification and participation in the tenders of police and military organisations. These certificates verifying fulfilment of requirements of internationally accepted quality management systems establish customers’ confidence and thereby help marketability and competitiveness – told Lajos Jánosik.

04/15 '20

Jánosik Kft built a temple

Jánosik és Társai Kft built a Greek Catholic temple in Mezőkövesd. The green field project was done by the company from the foundations to the turn-key condition. They won the work in a tender call and they could meet the very short, five months’ completion date – informed us Lajos Jánosik, owner of the company. In year 2018, Jánosik Kft having been present in the construction industry for 30 years performed the renewal, extension and modernisation of the primary school operating in Miskolc and kept by the bishopric, and it proved to be a good reference work. Construction of a temple is a relatively rare event, so the bishopric, the town, the inhabitants and the local community paid special attention to the project. Because of the structure of the dumped soil, 3 meters deep pier foundation was prepared. Owing to the design consisting of several bays, the roof structure includes special, arched reinforced concrete structures. Special formwork and static elements were necessary during the construction. The main laminated wooden supporting elements of the dome were lifted to their places by a crane. Nice, wooden doors and windows of special quality were installed. Centrally remote-controlled windows of electrical movement were assembled in the dome. The heating is implemented by electric floor heating and electric convectors, which can even be controlled from wifi network. The company had to provide some of the particular accessories of the temple during the construction. Thus the side-seats (standing chairs with arm-rest placed next to the wall, in Greek “sztaszidion”) and the chandelier of the temple were purchased as well.   The cross found on the top of the temple building was manufactured and placed in accordance with the liturgical rules of the church. The stone pavement was also prepared by the professionals of Jánosik Kft. On the average 10 workers were continually working on the construction. The building is fully complete. The church has started to prepare the dedication of the temple. After that, Christ believers will be able to put it in daily practice.

02/12 '20

Jánosik Kft built a new gastroenterology clinic

Jánosik és Társai Kft won the construction of the gastroenterology clinics of the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Central Hospital and University Training Hospital in an open public procurement procedure. The green field project cost more than HUF 500 million – informed us Lajos Jánosik, owner of the company performing the construction. The medical block of the county hospital was enlarged with a completely new gastroenterology building unit. We established a large waiting room, two cardiology examining rooms, an examining room furnished with endoscopic ultrasound, four examining rooms equipped with endoscope, and bathrooms for the staff and the patients in the new facility. The construction of the single storey building of some 600 square meters required special solutions: we had to build the new building between two existing building units in such a way that the three units can connect together later. The heating – cooling demand of the building is solved by various methods: with the heating-cooling of the air blown in through the air handling unit placed on the roof on the one part, and with the indoor ceiling air-conditioning units connected to the heat-pump system located also on the roof on the other part; the energy of the environment-friendly central heating is utilised for the floor heating. The new facility was built with the European Idea of Accessibility taken into consideration for the physically handicapped, hearing-impaired, sight-impaired persons and people with other deficiencies. During the construction, we had to ensure smooth operation of the healing work done in the two existing buildings. Behind the new building unit, new parking lots are waiting for the patients and their relatives, so the facility provides cultured parking opportunity on solid pavement for some 80 cars. The project ensured work for 50 persons for eight months. Owing to the good organisation of work, observance of schedule and intense work, the new building was handed over by the scheduled date, and it received also the occupancy permit at the beginning of year 2020.

12/23 '19

They flowered Gödöllő

Jánosik és Társai Kft won the plant care works of administrative areas of Town of Gödöllő for 2 years in an open public procurement tender. Owing to their work, the town received Golden Flower Prize – informed us Lajos Jánosik, owner of the company. Some 300 settlements take part in the competition titled “For the flowered Hungary” aiming at ornamenting the environment. Only the local governments of towns and villages may participate in the competition and they should “flower” their environment by self-financing.  Among other activities, the colleagues of the outdoor care branch of Jánosik Kft collect foliage in a half million square meter area. They planted 14.590 pieces of annual, 577 pieces of perennial, 491 pieces of bush and almost 200 pieces of tree. In addition, their tasks include weeding of beds of flowers, beds of bushes and perennials, pruning of perennials, bushes and roses, hedge trimming, rejuvenation pruning of bushes, tree planting, mulch spreading and nutrient supply as well. 60 percent of employees are park keepers graduated from the local Montágh Imre Primary School and Child Development School. The child development school treats mentally handicapped children, children with moderately serious defect. These boys and girls could gain practice in the world of labour, got opportunity to show that they can stand their ground on the labour market. Communication is continuous between the Jánosik Kft and the school, mutually helping each other. Outdoor care is a sector of the company operating successfully for 21 years. The work done in Gödöllő amounts to more than 5 percent of the turnover achieved in the sector.

11/08 '19

Jánosik Kft won MagyarBrands prize for the fourth time

Jánosik és Társai Kft won MagyarBrands prize for the fourth time – informed us Lajos Jánosik, owner of the company. The brand “MagyarBrands” grants domestic qualities. Reliability, accuracy and quality – these are the conditions of winning the prize. It is an important criterion that the company should represent on the market values meeting customers’ expectations to the full both home and abroad. When awarding the prize, it was taken into consideration that Jánosik és Társai Kft was continuously developing its services in accordance with the market demands during the 30 years past. They are market leaders in the cleaning services. Their further five sectors, construction industry, property management, security services, outdoor care and catering service operate successfully independently of each other, but also supplement each other so now they can provide complex facility management solutions. They achieved turnover above HUF 10 milliard year by year during the past period. They have long list of references. The company performs cleaning of institutions, department stores, public buildings, industrial buildings, but they are present in health facilities, hospitals and pharmaceutical factories as well. Within the construction industry sector, they perform general contracting, reconstruction of panel buildings, maintenance with Alpine technology and civil engineering. They perform operation of several buildings and build parks, keep the external areas. Special attention is paid to environment-consciousness during their activities. They are committed to the application of environment-friendly materials, tools and technologies. They strive to decrease emission to environment, waste discharge and use of energy. Sustainability is a major aspect during their projects. It was also appreciated that they reinvest the profit in the company, developing their office buildings and machine pool continuously, and minding their appearance as well. It is important both for the employees and the customers that they pay great attention to the practical and theoretical training and retraining. It is largely owing to their training program that they could maintain their staff number in spite of the difficult situation of the labour market. The company provides stable employment and competitive income for more than 3000 employees – said Lajos Jánosik.

08/13 '19

Jánosik és Társai Kft renovates nursery schools

Jánosik és Társai Kft won the renovation works of two nursery schools in an open public procurement procedure. They will complete the works resulting in revenue of almost HUF 300 million by the date, till the end of the year – informed us Lajos Jánosik owner. The company engaged in several sectors undertakes construction works throughout the whole territory of the country. Among other things, they build and renovate public institutions, residential parks, hospitals and sports complexes. The successful reconstruction of several children’s institutions also means a guarantee for the clients. Jánosik és Társai Kft won Construction Industry Award for the renovation of the “Rece-Fice” Óvoda és manóvár (Nursery School and Kobold Castle) in Kőbánya. They started reconstruction of the nursery school found at Leszih Andor Street, Miskolc. The main purpose is to rationalize use of energy. Accordingly, they build in heat-insulated 6-chamber- profile doors and windows.  The roof structure receives waterproofing and heat insulation on more than 700 square meters and the façade will also be heat insulated. Modernisation of the engineering system including establishment of solar cell system and 50 pieces of smart thermostat will also be a major task. They will renovate the PTE nursery school and day-nursery in Pécs. Here also the roof will receive modern insulation on some 650 square meters. The establishment of the shadowing will also be duty of the professionals of Jánosik Kft. The play-ground will also be renewed; not only a play-ground protecting against accidents and meeting the strictest EU regulations will be formed, but the playing surface will also be enlarged. Jánosik és Társai Kft plans to achieve turnover of almost HUF 15 milliard in 2019.  

07/13 '19

Strict quality management means the key of success

Turnover of Jánosik és Társai Kft exceeded HUF 14 milliard last year. They plan to achieve more than HUF 14 milliard revenue this year as well. Approaching the half-year, they can show promising results for accomplishing their aims. The strict quality management and the successful audit of the integrated management system consisting of 6 standards mean the basis of the results and one of the best guarantees for the clients – said Lajos Jánosik, owner of the company. Having integrated management system and owned by Hungarian persons in 100%, the company has already fulfilled successfully several supervisory audits this year as well, just for this purpose. The company engaged in several sectors and leading in the field of cleaning services can achieve increasing results year by year owing to the consistent observance and control of the quality requirements. It guarantees the more successful, efficient work processes and the higher organisational culture they can reach. The full-scale audit was done in May by the auditors of external firms specialized in it. The audits of the MSZ 28001 (OHSAS 18001) labour safety, ISO 27001 information security and ISO 50001 energy management systems were also done at the company. This latter makes it possible to ensure efficient, saving and safe use of energy at the company. By all these steps, the energy costs and amount of emission of greenhouse gases, wastes can be reduced. The supervisory audit covered the quality and environment management systems as per ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards. These certificates verifying fulfilment of internationally accepted requirements create customers’ confidence, thereby help marketability and competitiveness.  The audit of the military quality management system as per the standard AQAP 2110 was also finished recently. This latter is one of the strictest certificates. Its existence is the precondition of the NATO supplier qualification and participation in the tenders of police and military organisations.  

06/02 '19

Innovative cleaning

Nowadays cleaning is not such as earlier, either.  Jánosik és Társai Kft the market-leading company of Hungary engaged in cleaning knows it well. They also won a new client in a multi-round tender as a result of the application of modern, innovative cleaning technologies– informed us Lajos Jánosik owner of Jánosik és Társai Kft. In the next three years they will clean the office, plant of 11 buildings of the Joyson Safety System Hungary Kft and keep the outside areas as well in the territory of the Southern Industrial Park, Miskolc. The company is a leading supplier of passive security systems for the automotive industry. Their products include air-bags, automatic seat belts as well as electronic products which are supplied to the greatest automotive manufacturers worldwide. As part of the innovative cleaning, they work also with the newest type of automatic scrubber/dryer and apply the environment-friendly osmosis technology as well. They will control the service activity performed by means of the SLA (Service Level Agreement) software program developed by Jánosik és Társai Kft on their own, thus they will follow the fulfilment of contracts with objective index numbers. It means a challenge in the work that they will also perform cleaning activity in ESD parts contacting area protected against electric discharge. Fifteen persons on the average will work every day to keep the facilities clean, which means 56 000 square meter. Further staff will work on keeping the outside area of more than 100 000 square meter continuously.

05/07 '19

They renovated the Slovakian training centre

Jánosik és Társai Kft. renovated a Slovakian-language nursery school, school, secondary school and residential college in Budapest. The company engaged in several sectors and reaching annual turnover of more than HUF 13 milliard won the work amounting to more than HUF 200 million in a tender. They entered into a contract with the National Slovakian Local Government for the performance of the work at the end of last July – said Lajos Jánosik, owner of the company performing the renovation. The work completed in the facility found in District XIII of Budapest was a real challenge. Well, the nursery school, school, secondary school, residential college and special college were continuously operating in the building, except for one month. It means that from the 3-4 years old children to the twenty years old youth everybody was learning in the school, playing in the nursery school and living in the residential college day by day. It required very serious organisational work and continuous negotiation that they can disturb the educational work only to the less possible extent. Even the afternoon sleeping of the kindergarteners had to be taken into account. During the renovation they replaced everything which was in the wall and on the wall: the electrical, water, sewage and heating conduits. Radiators, doors, internal windows, lighting, suspended ceiling and air conditioning pipelines were installed. They laid down the floor (1300 m2) as well and finally solved the full installation of the fittings. In the residential college, they established four teacher’s rooms, with sanitary blocks.  The reconstruction of the three-storied residential college was the greatest task. They renovated total nine sanitary blocks, three laundry rooms and three kitchens. The daily operations were performed by almost 20 skilled and unskilled workers under the supervision of a building engineer. They completed the renovation started last summer by the date in 100% in accordance with those undertaken in the contract – said Lajos Jánosik.

04/16 '19

They won complex management again

Jánosik és Társai Kft. won again the complex management of the UNI Hotel in Miskolc for an indefinite period of time – informed us Lajos Jánosik, owner of Jánosik és Társai Kft. The company engaged in several sectors has been performing not only the cleaning but also the complex management of the largest hotel of Miskolc operated by the OTP Ingatlanüzemeltető Kft. (OTP Property Management Ltd.). Jánosik és Társai Kft. provides for the 24-hour reception service, the maintenance of the property, the cleaning, the washing of the bedding, outdoor care and security-guarding service. They continuously extended the services offered to the hotel. They developed business management system for the hotel and introduced electronic guarding service diary for improving the work of the security service. Total 30 employees of the company work here. The UNI Hotel is not only a university residential college. From September to July, it provides home for more than five hundred students of the University of Miskolc.  However, it welcomes external guests during this period as well; they can offer accommodation and meals for total 60 persons. It is open to external guests with full capacity during the summer months. Owing to the equipment of the hotel auditoriums and the abundant equipment of the sports complex, it is an ideal location for the programs of larger groups as well. From the beginning of July to the end of August, they can receive 603 guests simultaneously.  Jánosik és Társai Kft. participates in the preparation of the hotel events and programs as well, providing the necessary technical background.

01/23 '19

Our company won full-scale management

They won full-scale management. Knowledge of English language is a requirement even for the cleaning staff for the work Jánosik és Társai Kft. won recently - said Lajos Jánosik owner. The company engaged in the laboratory test and product certification of the electric energy transmission equipment turned to the Jánosik és Társai Kft. market leading in cleaning services for performing full-scale facility management tasks. As it turned out, the inquiry is owing to the firm’s good reputation, marketing activity, references and quality assurance system. Jánosik Kft.’s outdoor care, security service and cleaning service sectors will work together during the work representing turnover of several HUF 10 million. It goes without saying that the employees fulfilling the reception desk services should speak several languages, while English on advanced level, since 90 percent of the clients are foreigners. However, the knowledge of English language is a requirement for the cleaners as well, although not for all, since such special experiments are also done in the building during the period of which cleaning cannot be done.  Jánosik és Társai Kft.’s security service extended, modernized the records of the reception desk service; they performed so-called fine-tuning in order to simplify them. They perform the supervision of the video monitoring system and the alarm system in the new service area. The professionals fulfil outdoor-indoor care and cleaning in area of 3.5 hectare, in five buildings. In addition to the traditional cleaning technologies, they pay special attention to the selective waste collection and use of environment-friendly detergents. A gardener team maintains the facility bi-weekly. The tasks include pruning of brushes during the vegetation period, hedge cutting, lawn mowing, weeding of covered areas, raking of the leaves, collection and transportation of the green waste. They perform snow cleaning and slip-proofing during the winter period. It is not the first full-scale management commission of Jánosik és Társai Kft. Within the framework of their facility management activity, they maintain among other things hotels, office buildings of state institutions, buildings of bank networks, public institutions and perform their smaller or larger construction industry renewals.

12/20 '18

Jánosik és Társai Kft. cleans at Prezi

Jánosik és Társai Kft. won the cleaning of the development centre of the world famous startup company in Budapest. The office building implementing forward-looking workplace culture distinct from the average hosts a work organisation of almost 200 persons from more than 20 countries. Jánosik’s team was charged with the cleaning of the exclusive building because quality and reliability were the primary aspects for Prezi – informed us Lajos Jánosik, owner of the Jánosik és Társai Kft. The office building is cleaned during the night, while in the day-time they are responsible for tidying up the so-called snack points or serve out the Prezi employees, providing breakfast for them. Jánosik és Társai Kft.’s tasks include also the sanitizing of the apartment houses. These apartments serve mainly for the guests arriving from San Francisco and Riga. They perform the houseclean and apply protective coating on the walking surfaces twice a year. They use only environment-friendly detergents. Eight qualified cleaners work in the office building each day, performing their activity on almost 4000 square meters. Market leading in cleaning services and achieving more than HUF 10 milliard annual turnover, Jánosik Kft. carries out the cleaning service satisfying also the very strict standards of food industry factories, warehouses, pharmaceutical factories, hospitals and other health institutions with its own, well-established cleaning technology. They clean huge spaces of multinational companies, logistics centres as well. As a market leading company, they think it is especially important to show an example in environment protection. This year for example they invested in modern, environment-friendly machines in a value of almost HUF 40 million – said Lajos Jánosik.

11/26 '18

Jánosik Kft. won a prize again

Jánosik és Társai Kft. won the MagyarBrands prize for the third time, while Superbrands prize for the second time – said Lajos Jánosik, owner of Jánosik és Társai Kft. The brand “MagyarBrands” grants domestic qualities. The aspect is that those receiving the prize can duly represent the prize both home and abroad. Another condition is that they maintain such values on the markets which verify reliability and quality towards the customers. The Superbrands prize is rewarded on the basis of the careful, wide-ranging inspection of the most excellent brands operating in Hungary. For winning both prizes, the company had to meet the same strict requirements as earlier. When awarding the prizes, it was taken into consideration that Jánosik és Társai Kft. was continuously developing its services in accordance with the market demands during the 30 years past and now it already can provide complex facility management solutions. They are market leaders in the cleaning services. Their further five sectors, construction industry, property management, security services, outdoor care and catering service operate successfully independently of each other, but also supplement each other. They achieved turnover above HUF 10 milliard year by year during the past period. It was also recognised that they reinvest the profit into the company, developing their office buildings and machine park continuously, and minding their appearance as well. It is important both for the employees and the customers that they pay great attention to the practical and theoretical training and retraining. It is largely owing to their training program that they could maintain their staff number in spite of the difficult situation of the labour market – said Lajos Jánosik.

10/13 '18

Jánosik Kft. started a new sector

Engaged in several sectors and realising annual turnover of more than HUF 10 milliard, Jánosik és Társai Kft. started a new sector. Beyond the already existing sectors – cleaning services, construction industry, security service, property management and outdoor care – they started their catering services as well – informed us Lajos Jánosik owner. They won catering services in the centre of one of the largest chains. In the facility found in Budaörs, only employees working there are allowed to use the restaurant. It means provision of service for more than 400 persons each day. They offer daily menu, but if one wishes something more special, he/she can select from the á la carte offer as well. They are aiming at providing healthy foods, and they work in two locations every day for meeting the demands. They apply special software which in addition to the management of the cash-registers supplies data to managers of the restaurant about the actual inventory broken down to day periods as well as the trend of consumption displayed on a taskbar. The firm’s conception is that the annual turnover of the new sector will reach HUF 100 million. Lajos Jánosik explained also that the company has been adjusting its objects to the market demands since the foundation of the company. They have been operating as a facility management enterprise as well from 2006. They would like to extend these services in the future also in such locations where they have been present for years.

09/10 '18

Renovation and reconstruction works in Building C/2 of the University of Miskolc

Found in the Egyetemváros (University Town) of Miskolc, the Building C/2 consisting of six parts will gain its forward-looking form through the construction operations of the Jánosik és Társai Kft. – this is the first significant structural reconstruction since its opening in the 1950ies. Our company’s basic values include continuous renewal and development based on the most modern technologies and innovative solutions. Therefore we are very glad that our construction industry sector was charged with the establishment of a research centre as well. During the designing, the main aspect was to ensure the better utilisation of rooms of the faculties operating in the building, to form further rooms and shape the entrance and inspiring interior spaces of the Higher Education and Industrial Cooperation Centre. Our colleagues are working on very wide-ranging tasks. The floor will be demolished in several parts; modern base materials will be installed instead. In the workshop hall, the façade doors and windows will be changed to aluminium case and wing structured door and windows avoiding thermal bridging. The glazed structures will receive three-layer heat insulating glazing. Since the bridge connecting the Buildings C2 and B1/C1 is in very impaired condition, it will be demolished and then rebuilt in the same form as the original. The comfort feeling of the students will be increased by that according to the new construction a covered reinforced concrete structure will ensure the passage between the two buildings.  In addition, the side face-work of the bridge will also have special appearance: a unique material technique pattern showing a molecular structure prepared by a graphic designer will be formed. Within the framework of the project, we work on the hindrance-free accessibility and usage of the building as well. In this way, each level of the building can be accessed hindrance-free from the main building; also the central entrance, to which a new ramp will be established. The parking lots in front of the facility will be reconstructed, and additional four hindrance-free parking lots will be established. We are proud that our dynamically developing Construction industry sector can contribute to the operation of such a forward-looking institution.

07/31 '18

Jánosik és Társai Kft. renovates the building of the Operational Police

Jánosik és Társai Kft. performs significant renovation and reconstruction operations in the central object of the Operational Police in District X, Budapest.  The buildings subject to renovation will operate as training centre in the future. Originally built as cavalry barrack at the end of the 19th century, the installation was reconstructed and extended several times during the years. Our company works in an area of more than 1000 square meters, on two buildings: small modifications of the supporting structures are done in one of them, while significant renewal in the other. According to the plans, the training hall, the training workshop, the situation room and the training laboratory will be renewed following the works. A covered tactic area of more than 150 square meters standing on a steel structure will also be established. The building including the training rooms will be subject to wide-raging modernisation, but as regards its functions, it will remain unchanged.  The two buildings are different both in their structures and conditions. The interior of one of them was renewed recently, so it requires less expenditure. The other has average condition, so replacement of doors and windows is planned here as well as new flat roof will be established, with full façade and roof insulation. Within the framework of this, it will receive new floor structure, while the supporting structures of its internal walls strengthening. The infrastructural systems of the older installation are obsolete therefore new systems meeting the professional requirements and modern demands will be formed. As regards the building energetic aspects, the boiler-house will be reconstructed, fire detection and alarm system will be installed and the electric mains will also be installed in another place. During our work, we pay special attention to that environmental spaces operated in a sustainable way are created within the framework of the project which will allow modern training and work performance for the Customer.

07/25 '18

Tree cutting with protection of bats

The first phase of renewal of Queen Elisabeth grove in Kisújszállás was completed successfully in spite of the fact that cutting out of old trees and dangerous plants should be stopped for several weeks. The reason for the necessary stoppage was that a nature conservation professional found two perished bats and one living bat at the trees cut down. Therefore the authority stopped the works provisionally. For the present, preparation of the second phase takes place which will start in August – said Lajos Jánosik, owner of the company performing renewal of the protected park. The work amounting to some HUF 32.4 million began in the middle of January this year and they plan to finish it at the end of November. The reconstruction of the grove became necessary because the branches, sticks falling down from the old tree, plants made the park dangerous and it already could not fulfil its original function.  Jánosik és Társai Kft. engaged in several fields won the work in a public procurement procedure. When deciding on its tender, it counted much that the company already had references of similar works performed. The renewal of the park is a special task since it should be done in town environment and special attention should be paid for caring the local fauna and protecting the remaining flora. They removed more than 377 dangerous trees from the soil and cut the branches of 200 trees. They thinned the brush and shrubs as well. Following the tree cutting, they will plant 200 pieces of root-ball tree seedling and 200 pieces of container solitaire shrub. The plants will be species fitting also to the oak-ash-elm combination characteristic of the Alföld.  The company will perform grassing as well in almost 3000 square meters. The nature conservation professionals looked over some seventy trees and examined also the stumps cut down. One of these latter should be left because there was a stag-beetle family found in it. The operations were done by using environment-friendly technologies. Beyond the manual force, they used powered tools as well, such as tractor, elevated work platform with cage, stump grinder, garden shredder, power saw machine. Now they are preparing for the continuance of the second phase, planting and grassing. They negotiate with the designers and then purchase the plants and other tools necessary for the planting. They would like to close also the second phase by the deadline, to everybody’s satisfaction – said Lajos Jánosik. Photo: Graphic

06/22 '18

Quality is first

Owned by Hungarian persons in 100% and having an integrated management system, Jánosik és Társai Kft. successfully passed several supervisory audits this year as well. The company engaged in several sectors and market-leading in cleaning services can achieve results increasing year by year just because of consistent control and observance of strict quality requirements. Through the application of the newest standards, they can surely achieve more successful and effective work processes and organisational culture. The full-scale internal audit was done in May by the auditors of external companies specialized in it – informed us Lajos Jánosik owner. The supervisory audit covered the quality and environmental management systems as per the standards ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015. The certificates verifying fulfilment of requirements of these internationally accepted quality management systems establish customers’ confidence and thereby ensure marketability and competitiveness. The audits of the MSZ 28001 (OHSAS 18001) labour safety, ISO 27001 information security and ISO 50001 energy management systems were also done at the company.  This latter makes it possible to ensure energy efficiency, saving use of energy and development of energy safety. Through the decrease of energy consumption, energy costs and amount of emission of greenhouse gases can be reduced. The audit of the military quality management system as per the standard AQAP 2110 was also finished recently. This latter is one of the strictest certificates. Its existence is the precondition of the NATO supplier qualification and participation in the tenders of police and military organisations. Turnover of Jánosik és Társai Kft. exceeded HUF 10 milliard last year. They plan to achieve more than HUF 10 milliard this year as well. The strict quality control and successful audit of the management system integrating six standards provide one of the best guarantees towards the customers – said Lajos Jánosik.

05/23 '18

All-round training plan supports our colleagues’ development

Our basic values include continuous development and renewal, therefore each our sector has its modern and relevant training plan. We assign the competencies and important specialist knowledge relevant for the actual sector each year, and our colleagues learn new technologies, soft skills and legal knowledge in accordance with it. With regard to that we work with numerous chemicals and special machines, many times in industrial areas and facilities difficult to approach, we pay special attention to occupational health and safety.  The annual fire protection training is also connected to it, treating the effective regulations as well. In addition, the number of colleagues trained in first aid provision increases year by year. As an environmentally aware company, waste management and recycling knowledge is taught by the environmental officer. We prefer use of environment-friendly detergents and tools where it is possible. For the quality assurance, we have established our integrated management systems in accordance with strict ISO standards and qualifications. Our colleagues receive detailed information and training in the changes occurred in their specialties and the internal rules. Correct data management and discretion are essential for our operation therefore the training portfolio includes also transmission of information security and data protection rules and regulations. Since the GDPR’s coming into force, we train our colleagues in the data protection act in general, and pay special emphasis on that our colleagues get acquainted with our company’s data protection rules, including the data handled by us and the forms necessary for it.  Beyond the above, in each sector we ensure for our colleagues the possibility of passing the exams necessary for using the machines, vehicles applied.  The modern operation of the company is supported by the learning of the new software programs such as ARCHICAD, MS Project, with the up-to-date business competencies also learned. We are proud of our colleagues’ willingness to learn and commitment to renewal.

05/20 '18

Jánosik és Társai Kft made a contract with MÁV

Jánosik és Társai Kft. gained general contract for 3 years in the territory of the Miskolc Regional Directorate for Railway Trackage of the MÁV Hungarian State Railways Private Limited Company in an open public procurement tender.  In accordance with the contract, they will perform maintenance, failure removal and fault clearing tasks in three counties. The contract includes also the buildings of the National Asset Management Inc. – said Lajos Janosik owner. Among other things, the success is owing to the good references of the company. The dimension, own expert team and asset amount of the company producing turnover of more than HUF 10 milliard also provided due security for fulfilling the works of high volume. During the one and a half year past, the company’s experts worked on fault clearing tasks more than half a thousand times and continuously performed the maintenance duties. They completed the maintenance tasks of two large MÁV facilities, including the maintenance work of the external façade of the MÁV Miskolc Directorate, to full satisfaction.  The other large-volume work was the maintenance of the roof of the platform C of the MÁV Miskolc-Tiszai Railway Station. This latter task should be solved in such a way that the traffic could run smoothly on the other railway tracks. They have jobs to do each day of the year, including the week-ends and holidays as well. From the fixing of tap dripping to determination of cause of gas conduit leakage, a lot of tasks arise day by day.

04/27 '18

Jánosik és Társai Kft. builds a health center in Csömör

In the life of Csömör, our company implements the largest investment of the last 5 years with the construction of the health centre. We already started the works of the greenfield investment in the last quarter of 2017 and it is expected to be completed at the end of 2018. When designing the building, the main aspect was to be able to provide high-level professional and comfort services of patients. We wanted to combine this with economical and sustainable operation in the long run, ensured by environmentally and energy conscious solutions. The architect designed a clean, U-shaped institution harmonizing with its surroundings; with special brickwork and large green spaces. The building has a single storey, with a partly developed attic and an inner garden open from one side. The dentist’s and general practitioner’s offices with the belonging server rooms will be hosted in the western wing, with a common entrance. The eastern wing will host the paediatric clinic and the health visitor’s service, with the server parts, again with a common entrance. In the part establishing a connection between the two wings, there will be a larger community space that can accommodate larger programs and meetings; this will also be the general staying place of the staff. One has thought of future developments or the implementation of further healthcare activities and services, as well; two rooms have been established for the operation of these. Many green areas and natural light will contribute to the pleasant feeling of visitors. The latter one will be supported by the fully glass-bordered parts of the corridors and waiting rooms. Apart from this, covered surfaces will be used only to the extent necessary, both on the plot and in the parking lot. The institution also has a herb garden that further enriches the lively green areas of the building. [gallery columns="1" link="file" ids="4161,4166,4165,4164,4163,4162,4154,4160,4159,4158,4157,4156,4155"]  

04/23 '18

A model residential park is being built also in the capital after Miskolc

After the Jura Residential Park in Miskolc, Jánosik és Társai Kft. builds a model residential park also in Budapest The building complex established in the seat of Borsod County has become a successful model because the company did not only undertake to perform construction industry implementation and investment, but takes care of the convenience of those living there and of operation by providing a complex service – said Lajos Jánosik, owner. The 100% Hungarian private-owned company will create the M20 residential park in Budapest - incorporating 20 apartments - as an own investment worth about HUF 1 billion. Jánosik Kft. has several decades of practice in construction industry implementation, operation, park maintenance, therefore they will not leave those moving in alone. This solution serves as an example also in Budapest, after Miskolc. The company was not established for only this single project, thus it is reliable with the fulfilment of longer-term guarantees and warranty obligations. Another guarantee is that the company, which has been operating for nearly 30 years, has a stable financial background and an outstanding team of professionals. The implementation of the residential park being built in Murányi Street in District VII has already begun. Currently the deep foundation and the foundation reinforcement of the neighbouring buildings is taking place, and the ground excavation work will soon begin. A total of 20 apartments will be created in the vicinity of the renovated City Park. The smallest apartment is 46, the largest is 122 square meters. When designing the layout, care was taken to ensure that also the smaller-sized apartments can provide a comfortable living space for those living in them. In the course of implementation, environmental awareness was of particular importance. For the energy supply of apartments, an energy-efficient, low-cost system has been designed. The buildings are fully clean and accessible, equipped with lifts. It is a special feature that not only traditional elevators are installed, but also a car lift to help park cars. Those moving into the model residential park can take advantage of ‘CSOK’, the government’s home-creating program. According to the plans, the first inhabitants can move in in 2019. There are already inquirers who consider investing in homes built in the second residential park of the company – said Lajos Jánosik.

04/12 '18

UNI-HOTEL, operated by Jánosik and Partners was awarded with the Booking Excellence Award

As a facility management company providing complex services, our sectors provide the perfect quality to our partners as a real team. Thanks to this, in 2017 we won the excellence award of in UNI-HOTEL Miskolc, where our cleaning, security service, outdoor care and operating sector proves its merits day by day, with a total of 24 people. The recognition can be awarded to those accommodation places which, based on guest reviews, achieve at least 8 out of the 10 scores along the following aspects: cleanliness, comfort, location, amenities, staff, value for money, free WiFi. Our 8.4 score evaluation well demonstrates that our colleagues work together in cooperation and helping each other for a great guest experience. UNI-HOTEL hosts both students and hotel guests all year round. During the academic semesters, we create an inspiring and safe environment for the students; the traveling guests are awaited at a separate floor with 60 accommodation places throughout the year. What’s more, during the summer holiday, this becomes expanded to 603 places, so during this period, the hotel is the largest accommodation place of the county. Furthermore, it is also a great event and conference centre. The hotel has a 24-hour receptionist and personal and security guard service. We also take care of the cleaning and maintenance of the building, caring about green areas and bed linen cleaning. The aim of our work is to ensure that our guests can meet smooth services and a pleasant, refreshing environment during their stay at us. We are proud of the Booking Award, because it is a motivating feedback from our guests that we are doing a good job and are on the right track.

03/28 '18

We support women’s work

We have been building on diversity since our existence and we are proud of the fact that 70% of our employees are women, and even half of our leaders are women. We consider the different points of view valuable, whose application ensures our continuous renewal and development. Jánosik és Társai Kft. is an ideal place for female employees because we offer a solution for every life situation. We exploit the strengths of different generations, so everyone is equally valuable at us, from the beginners to the retired. In our 5 sectors, we are looking for new employees for a number of tasks: physical workers, experts and executives. As it is possible to work in different shift schedules, working time may start early if one has to go to pick up the child; but it is also possible for mothers with little children to return in the form of part-time work. What’s more, you are awaited even if you would like to work while you are a pensioner. Gábor Szabó, Marketing Director talked about the career that can be built at our company during the event titled “The Woman as an Employee” organized by the Government Office of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County. The purpose of the event was to raise awareness of women who have become excluded from the labour market and wanted to return to work, and the invited speakers and experts introduced the possibilities of part-time work, teleworking and further flexible forms of work. As the dominant economic player of the region, we consider it extremely important to provide a perspective for every employee group. In case of our new colleagues, we always look for the potential and the desire to work, not just the specific expertise. We devote a lot of energy to the training and further education of our staff, with special emphasis on enabling unskilled labour force to obtain a profession. We hope that thanks to the lecture, even more of our future colleagues will find their next career step at us.

03/26 '18

Our self-developed electronic guard log system is the engine of efficiency

Efficiency and solution orientation is the key principle of all of our sectors; we regularly analyze our processes to find the points where we can increase the quality of our services. This is how we have created our self-developed electronic guard log, too; we have introduced it among the first ones in the market in the field of security guarding, and nowadays 50% of our clients use it with great satisfaction. Thanks to the easy-to-use, user-friendly software, daily events and tasks can be captured here, which, besides replacing a lot of paper-based documents, speeds up reporting as it includes real-time data and position reports, and is easy to understand and manage. One of its greatest advantages is the reduction of response time, resulting in a significant time saving both as regards the duties of the guard and the damages arising out of any potential extraordinary events, as through the electronic guard log, the person authorised to access it can be immediately informed about all incidents and he can immediately take or order to take the necessary measures. Certain elements of the program can be customized for the tasks of the service, and can be selected according to the client’s needs. By using it, we can save time, money and, last but not least, document storage space and we can increase our efficiency. Our software is an upgraded version of the classic, paper-based guard log, which, beyond the elements of a traditional document, allows for personal and motor vehicle access control, key registry management, access card registration, patrolling monitoring, technical failure management and we can perform a number of records and documentations through it which have previously been made on paper. Furthermore, it is also important that it enables displaying of any kind of documentation, guard instructions, internal policies, educational materials, etc. for the security guard during his work, thus it is much easier for him to trace anything in the program than in a paper-based instruction or in a policy that is several hundred pages long, as the guard can make a targeted search in it. Our clients have the opportunity to send a daily request or information to the guard, which is immediately seen by the guard on the instruction interface. The log can be accessed by the guards, their managers and the clients on the basis of conciliating authorisations. They can connect to it from any parts of the world, through a VPN-based secure interface, by using a computer or a tablet. This way all persons concerned can remotely monitor the work of the guard; after documenting the incident, the log immediately generates an e-mail about it, and the persons concerned are immediately notified about it at the same time and, if necessary, can intervene in the action. This is the most efficient element of the log, which also makes our clients very satisfied and willing to use it. The operation of the program has been developed in accordance with the current legislation, so data backup and retention is ensured accordingly, as well. If you would like to make your processes more up-to-date and more efficient, contact our colleagues for details.

03/21 '18

Jánosik Kft. bulds ecclesiastical properties

Jánosik és Társai Kft. has won the implementation and modernization work of three ecclesiastical real-estates in a public procurement tender, in a total value of 1.2 billion forints. In Budapest, a Reformed kindergarten will be renewed and expanded, in Miskolc, a new Reformed church and building will be constructed, and again in the centre of Borsod County, a Greek Catholic Primary School building will be transformed and expanded – informed Lajos Jánosik, owner. In the capital, the client who ordered the renovation of the Csipkebokor Kindergarten of the Budapest-Fasori Reformed College is the Danube-Region Reformed Church District of the Hungarian Reformed Church. The District VII real-estate is modernized from a budged of HUF 489.100.000. The kindergarten of a floor space of 1,915 square meters will be expanded to 2,044 square meters during the large investment. A new staircase, a front-roofed entrance terrace and a new elevator will be installed. The energy system of the entire building will be renovated and modernized. The garden of the children’s institution will be beautified with new play equipment and landscaping. The basement rooms will be better adapted to the needs. The gym and the congregational rooms will not be left out of the reconstruction either, and dressing rooms and sanitary blocks will be created, as well. On the first and second floor, nursery classrooms will be created and the hall will be completely renewed. On the third floor, a room for the educational board, development rooms, washing and building engineering rooms will be hosted. In Miskolc, in Avas-South Housing Estate, Jánosik és Társai Kft. was entrusted with the construction work of a new Reformed church and congregational house. The net value of this investment is 365 million forints. Here, on a total floor space of 878 square meters, three floors will be constructed and also a separate bell tower will be created. When designing the buildings, accessibility was an important aspect, the determining elements of which included the installation of a lift. A total of 56 rooms will be created and the establishment of public utilities, the installation of a camera surveillance system and fences will be performed, as well. The company also expands and transforms the building of the Greek Catholic Primary School of Miskolc. In the course of the 352.7 million investment, a new attic will be built, with sanitary blocks and the windows and doors and the thermal insulation will be replaced. Every classroom will be equipped with new, cold and hot water washbasins. There will also be a barrier-free toilet in the building.

02/21 '18

The building of the Miskolc Directorate of MÁV has been renewed

Our Property management sector closed the year of 2017 with a particularly spectacular and professionally challenging project. Under our framework agreement concluded with MÁV Zrt., we started the surveys for the maintenance and renovation of the MÁV headquarters building in Miskolc in 2017, and the building was handed over in December 2017, when the scaffolding was replaced by decorative Christmas lighting. The building, which has a great historical past, is located in a monumental environment and in a local settlement value protection area. The building itself is protected locally. The maintenance of the facade required serious technical design, in close collaboration with the city’s main engineer, the designer, the technical inspector and other partner departments of MÁV. In order to be able to reconstruct the authentic colours and forms, the designer has done archaeological research, thereby ensuring that the newly maintained building continues to fit into the city part. Due to the disintegrating plaster in many places, furthermore, the bad condition of the eaves and rainwater drainage system, maintenance has become necessary. The facade received a completely new surface: in the required areas, basic plaster repair, plaster reinforcement, primer and noble plaster was created, using the Sto system. Particular attention was paid to the reconstruction of decorative elements: during the replacement of the eaves system, many elements were rebuilt. Furthermore, the retainable ornamentic gypsum elements in good condition were also reinforced. The complete eaves system has been dismantled and newly constructed: full-surface plank bottom, supporting elements, curved profile eaves elements, eaves skirting and snow retaining elements have been developed. The project also had a number of unexpected turns, during which we could use our solution-oriented approach. The scaffolding of the building and ensuring a smooth and safe pedestrian traffic required great care; together with the storage and handling of raw materials. We are proud of the fact that the cooperation with the public space supervision, the chief architect, the designer and technical inspector was efficient and fruitful, thanks to which a modern, yet authentic facade could be created.

02/16 '18

Osmosis cleaning

Jánosik és Társai Kft., the market leader in cleaning services has developed its machine fleet with an investment of more than 10 million forints, with an osmosis cleaner. The multi-faceted company with an annual sales revenue exceeding 10 billion continuously develops and modernizes its machine part in all of its sectors - cleaning, construction industry, security service, outdoor care and property management. This is one of the sources of the company’s success – explained Lajos Jánosik, owner. Osmosis water is a liquid free from minerals, metals, bacteria and algae. As a result, it has an extraordinary cleansing power on all surfaces. It can easily bind the dirt to itself. The contaminated surfaces can be cleaned efficiently and safely, without the use of scaffolding, Alpine technology or chemicals, up to a height of 16 meters. For window cleaning, there is no need for a drawer, cloth or paper because the osmotic water dries free of drops. It can be applied for cleaning windows, window frames or window sills, washing shading elements, facades, covered patios, arcades, larger tents or solar panels. For Jánosik és Társai Kft., environmental protection and safety at work has always been an important aspect. With the osmosis-based, fully environmentally friendly, market leader technology, these requirements can be better enforced. In addition to this, they can achieve a faster and more efficient work with less staff. The further education of employees working with the new method has already started – said Lajos Jánosik.

02/06 '18

Prizes and awards in 2017

We set high standards for ourselves, often more difficult to reach than our customers expect from us. At the same time, however, hard and honest work always pays off, and the greatest recognition is when the best of the profession finds our work valuable. In 2017, we received a number of prestigious feedbacks that inspire us to always bring out the maximum out of ourselves, constantly expanding our horizons and the limits of our current knowledge. As a 100% Hungarian-owned company, we re proud of the fact that our company was found worthy of the title of Magyar Brands also in this year, marking brands that are worthy of being the representatives of the Hungarian intellectual work in Hungary and abroad. All this is also a guarantee of quality for our partners and clients – the fact that our services are positively evaluated by independent reviewers, as well. Another great recognition is the already internationally renowned Business Superbrands Award in the excellent business brand category, the granting of which to the winners is made by a committee of independent and voluntary experts. They examine the annual sales revenue, the Bisnode Rating risk index, furthermore, they take into account also the recommendations made by the industrial associations and professional organizations to compile the list. Thanks to this powerful filter, the Business Superbrands status reinforces the position of the given brand, enhances its prestige and distinguishes the brand from its competitors – said Lajos Jánosik. In December, the expertise and performance of our company was recognized in connection with a very pleasant assignment causing a lot of joyful moments to us. In 2017, the Board of Trustees of Construction Industry Master Award (Hungarian abbreviation: ÉMA) announced the Construction Industry Excellence Award competition for the eighteenth time. Our company participated as a general contractor in a project that was worthy of the prize: we have completed the reconstruction of the Rece-Fice Kindergarten in Kőbánya, and the prestigious award was granted by the professional jury in the category of public buildings. Awarding was done taking into account the planning, the use of materials and also implementation – said Lajos Jánosik, owner to the press.

01/16 '18

The first residents have moved into Jura Residential Park

The first residents have moved into the Jura Residential Park built by Jánosik és Társai Kft. The occupancy permit was granted already at the end of the last year. More than 50 percent of the apartments has been sold – said Lajos Jánosik, the owner of the company. The 100% Hungarian private-owned company created the model residential park - incorporating 49 apartments - as an own investment worth about HUF 1.5 billion. The project has become a model park because Jánosik Kft. has several decades of practice in construction industry implementation, operation, park maintenance, therefore they will not leave those moving in alone. They take care about the convenience of people living there and about the operation by providing complex services. The company was not established for only this single project, thus it is reliable with the fulfilment of longer-term guarantees and warranty obligations, which solution can serve as a pattern also for other investments. Jura Residential Park was established in a green area near the centre of Miskolc which is still quiet; the floor space of the smallest apartment is 60 and of the largest is 110 square meters. As the square meter prices are favourable both from national aspect and within Miskolc, investors have also appeared among the buyers. [gallery link="file" columns="1" ids="1628,1626,1634,1632,1631,1630,1629"] When designing the layout, care was taken to ensure that also the smaller-sized apartments can provide a comfortable living space for those living in them. In the attics, 6 pcs of penthouse homes were created with all comfort and luxuries. In the course of implementation, environmental awareness was of particular importance. For the energy supply of apartments, an energy-efficient, low-cost system has been designed. The safety of those moving into the residential park is ensured by a closed garden, underground parking garage and an access control system. The buildings are fully clean and accessible, equipped with lifts. A separate playground is available to families with children. Those moving into the model residential park can take advantage of ‘CSOK’, the government’s home-creating program.

12/18 '17

Jánosik és Társai Kft. received an award for excellence

The general contractor Jánosik és Társai Kft. has received an excellence award for the renovation of Rece-Fice Kindergarten and Manóvár in Kőbánya The prestigious award was granted by the professional jury in the category of public buildings.  Awarding was done taking into account the planning, the use of materials and also implementation – said Lajos Jánosik, owner of the contractor company. In 2017, the Board of Trustees of Construction Industry Master Award (Hungarian abbreviation: ÉMA) announced the Construction Industry Excellence Award competition for the eighteenth time. The reconstruction of a value of HUF 339 million was won by Jánosik és Társai Kft. in an open public procurement tender. There was a great need for the renovation of the kindergarten and crèche of Kőbánya. Except for the structure, all external and internal parts had to be renewed. The floor plan of the building did not change, but almost everything was replaced or renovated. The roof insulation is new, the doors and windows were replaced, the electrical and mechanical network was modernized and new kitchen technology was incorporated. When designing the facades, a system was selected that could compensate for the deformations of the old frame structure. According to the opinion of the jury, the new facade made the appearance of the entire facility modern and architecturally valuable. The most important aspect was to create a playful, homey, aesthetic, interesting and stimulating environment for children of different age groups. The colourful and varied design in the indoor and outdoor areas all serve this. Children are awaited by exciting tools in the yards, there is even a small football field with artificial grass. The yard is protected from the noise effects of Vaspálya Street by a soundproof fence. Overall, the reconstruction affects the immediate environment, and looking out of the nearby 7-8-storey buildings, the residents can feel good about the renewed facility. The renovation was carried out with a very short deadline of eight months. This required a very accurate and precise work organization – said Lajos Jánosik.

11/17 '17

Jánosik és Társai Kft. won more than 80 percent of ad-hoc requests for an offer

In addition to the permanent contractual assignments, the ad-hoc assignments also increase the revenues of Jánosik és Társai Kft., the market leader company in the sector of cleaning services. While the revenue from the cleaning work performed at constant partners is around 7 billion forints per year, the value of ad-hoc orders exceeded 200 million forints for the first time this year – informed Lajos Jánosik, owner. The main activity of the company - with a diversified portfolio of activities - is the cleaning service. Thanks to their reliability, references and professional, technical preparedness, more and more clients assign the company with ad-hoc, occasional work. By mid-November this year, 486 offers were made to prospective clients and more than 80 percent of it was won. 95 percent of ad-hoc inquiries were received from existing or former partners. Of course, it has also happened that external contractor companies recommended Jánosik Kft., for example, for coarse or so called fine cleaning after the construction work. Furthermore, more and more clients find the company through its website. Their working groups operate region by region, covering almost the whole country. This is how it is possible to activate a sufficient number of cleaning personnel and the right tools in a particularly short time. Among their ad-hoc assignments was the large-scale cleaning of the 27,000 m2 headquarters of a multinational company operating in the field of telecommunication, involving more than 150 workers over a weekend. Another larger and more difficult assignment was completed when the company cleaned the external glass surface of one of the largest factories of Hungary, with a special, so called osmosis water technology. But the assignments also included the cleanup of a logistics site of a floor space of more than 15 thousand square meters at various points of the country, furthermore, at a site of a large pharmaceutical plant, the employees of Jánosik Kft. performed cleaning work in special work clothes, using special detergents – said Lajos Jánosik.

10/26 '17

The renovation of the District Office of Sárospatak was completed with the implementation of Jánosik és Társai Kft.

Our construction industry sector has introduced itself within the framework of a special project in Sárospatak: our company was commissioned with the renovation of an office building under monument protection. After the 10-month complex implementation work, it was handed over at the end of September. The fulfilment of the project meant a lot of challenges and professional development opportunities, as the aim was to renew the energy system of the building: a modern air technology, heating system and electrical network was installed, while preserving the Baroque style of the building. The implementation was realized within the project titled “Special building energy developments of public buildings in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County”. The work concerned both the interior and exterior of the building. In close cooperation with the National Monument Protection Authority, the whole facade renovation was completed, supplemented by modern thermal insulation. Custom-made windows and doors were prepared, which are authentic copies of the former windows but are made of plastic and wooden elements, meeting today’s requirements. Furthermore, new tin structures and rainfall control systems have been installed, with the renovation of the roof structure, as needed. We applied up-to-date and environmentally conscious solutions also from the aspect of building services engineering: a new heating and cooling system - equipped with a heat pump -, furthermore, an air technique system was established, and instead of the old, obsolete boiler room, a new, easily accessible thermal centre was established. [gallery link="file" columns="1" size="large" ids="829,828,827,826,825"] Within the framework of the building electricity renovation, more than 15 km of new, high-voltage and low-voltage wires were installed, and new switches, sockets, lighting fixtures and distribution cabinets were mounted. Overall, it can be said about the handed over building that it has preserved its authentic, Baroque facade thanks to the close cooperation between the monument protection and the restorers, while under the old robe, it has got enriched with technical solutions that meet today’s challenges. For this, the system-based way of thinking and solution-oriented operation, typical for our team was essential. We were very pleased to see that at the delivery and acceptance ceremony, the clients have outlined exactly the same aspects in connection with the cooperation.

09/26 '17

Jánosik és Társai Kft. plants trees

Jánosik és Társai Kft. plants, maintains and replaces trees in North-East Hungary. They won the outdoor works in public procurement tenders – informed Lajos Jánosik, the owner of the company. The fact that the company performs similar work in the area of three national parks, with good references, helped to won the tender. Last year, more than 50,000 saplings were planted. The main purpose of the current planting is to strengthen the European roller population of the Carpathian Basin by creating new living and breeding sites. The saplings are placed into plantation pits created with a high degree of care, using a planting medium mixed with soil improvers. In the course of the work, more than 1,000 native saplings – amongst others, white poplar and pedunculate oak – will be planted. The placed out saplings must also be protected from damages caused by wild animals, for which special trunk protectors are used. The work is done continuously by 15 employees of the company. They are equipped with special machines and transport tools in the work area. This year they prepare the terrain, plant the trees, and in the next two years, they will take care about and irrigate the planted saplings, and hoe and mow the area, as needed. During the work, special attention is paid to the protection of the wild flora and fauna. The implementation of the task is hampered by the natural features of the area, such as the saline soil or the swampy, marshy areas. The share of the outdoor sector is nearly 5 percent of the revenues of the company exceeding a turnover level of 10 billion forints, said Lajos Jánosik.

08/28 '17

New image and communication at Jánosik és Társai Kft.

In 2015, Jánosik és Társai Kft. became a large enterprise which is shown both in its image and communication. A new marketing director, Gábor Szabó joined the company. He has provided information about the work done. They contracted with a new agency. They have set themselves the goal to make the company even more credible in the exes of employees by means of marketing and communication. The company that is the market leader in the cleaning business in Hungary is entering the international market. Facilitating the international expansion, the preparation of an international-level image has also become necessary. By creating the new image, they have achieved that it truly reflects the size of the company and the quality of the work it performs. They have preserved the main style elements of the Jánosik logo. Thanks to this, they did not create a completely new logo but the old one was cleaned and refreshed, so that it can meet today’s expectations. As a symbol, the compass returned – it plays an important role in the life of the owner. With the communication, they further strengthen their market positions and show the value of the brand. After surveying the employees’ needs, the strategy of Jánosik Kft. was developed and the currently used communication surfaces and their content were adapted to this. As a result, in 2017, they introduced the Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, internal newspaper, internal newsletter communication surfaces and the website of Jánosik és Társai Kft. was completely renewed. All the above will help to address different target groups. Building an employer’s brand, they find it essential for their employees to be informed firsthand about the company’s projects and events. The internal newspaper and newsletter was created to increase employee satisfaction. They believe that if the employees have credible information on the company, it will increase their commitment to it. The managers of the various sectors and their professional details are presented at the LinkedIn page which is popular among professionals. The purpose of their communication on LinkedIn is to increase professional recognition. With the communication of the company on Facebook, their goal is mostly to build their image. In addition to this, it also provides them with an excellent opportunity to help their sales and recruitment campaigns. On the communication surface of Instagram, they would like to provide an insight into the internal life and atmosphere of Jánosik Kft. to their employees. Last but not least, they would like to attract interest from a younger generation to the company. The main goal is to retain current employees and win new ones. The fact that they recently won the MagyarBrands and Superbrands Awards was partly due to the new communication and marketing strategy – said Gábor Szabó.

07/17 '17

Jánosik és Társai Kft. have become the winner of the Superbrands Award

This year Jánosik és Társai Kft. won the Superbrands Award in the excellent business brand category – announced Lajos Jánosik, the owner of the company. Last year, the company received the MagyarBrands Award. This year, Jánosik Kft. was considered worthy also of the Superbrands Award. The committee of independent and voluntary experts brings a decision on the candidates based on the same principle in almost ninety countries of the world. The Business Superbrands Committee observed and screened almost 4000 companies, brands on the basis of the annual sales revenue and the Bisnode Rating Risk Index established by the Bisnode Group, and taking into account the recommendations made by the industrial associations and professional organisations, it selected the best business brands of this year. In addition to the data of official sources (National Tax and Customs Office (NAV), court of registration, etc.), the Bisnode Rating index also incorporates the financial information about the company, such as: balance sheet data, profit and loss statement, trends, furthermore, the payment discipline, demographic data, activities, size and owners of the company or organisation. The economic performance of the company owning the brand was evaluated separately. Accordingly, in 2013, the company reached a turnover of 6.3 billion, in 2014 it reached 8.4 billion, while in 2015 and 2016, it reached a turnover of nearly 10 billion forints. The result was nearly 400 million. It is anticipated that in 2017, the volume of the company’s purchase orders will increase by more than 30 percent. The turnover of the cleaning business, the main profile of the diversified company amounted to 5.5 billion forints in 2016, which is 20 percent higher than the previous year’s revenue. One of the secrets of their successes is that the result of their work is largely recycled to the business. Only 15 percent of the pre-tax profits was paid out as dividends, and the remainder will further develop the company. The size of the company can also be characterized by the fact that the head count of employees has also increased considerably in recent years, and last year, they provided safe work and livelihood to 1,500 own workers. It has invested considerable capital and expertise in all of its developments. The Superbrands Award certifies excellence in the Hungarian market. The Business Superbrands status reinforces the position of the given brand, enhances its prestige and distinguishes the brand from its competitors – said Lajos Jánosik.

06/19 '17

Jánosik és Társai Kft. helped the Hungarian Red Cross

On the Great Cleaning Day, the volunteers of Jánosik és Társai Kft. cleaned the headquarters of the Hungarian Red Cross. The Hungarian Cleaning-Technology Association (MATISZ) has announced its social responsibility program this year already for the third time. 50 volunteers of 16 companies and entrepreneurs have joined it, including also Jánosik és Társai Kft. - the market leader in the cleaning business - to help where it is really needed, said Jánosik és Társai Kft., the owner of the company. In the Arany János Street headquarters, the doors, windows, the floors of community spaces, the toilets and the carpets were cleaned by using state-of-the-art machines, tools and cleaning agents. The employees of the Red Cross did not only appreciate the cleaning work representing a great value, but also the many useful specialist advices they received on that day. In fact, they learned about the machines and treatment agents worth purchasing, by which they can clean the heavily used surfaces efficiently but still in an environmentally friendly way. At the same time, the participants of the event also offered to hold a presentation or give advices, if needed. On the Great Cleaning Day, the employees of the companies also had a good opportunity to talk about their profession with the staff of other businesses and to exchange their experience concerning the new cleaning technologies. The Red Cross expressed its thanks for the work of volunteers with a diploma.

04/13 '17

In 10 years, the Security service has grown to its almost tenfold

The Security service sector of Jánosik és Társai Kft. has grown almost tenfold over the past 10 years. The revenue of one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the company that is the market leader in the field of cleaning services and has a diversified portfolio, will reach 700 million forints this year. By this, it accounts for nearly 6 percent of the total revenue of the corporation. One of the secrets of their successes is the compliance with strict quality requirements. They are continuously measuring and controlling customer satisfaction, which has not fallen below 95 percent in recent years. Another factor of their development is that they participate successfully in public procurement tenders. This is how the company received work in recent years in the North-Hungarian region: in the cities of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Heves, Hajdú-Bihar, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Pest, furthermore, Baranya County. In 2016, they won the tender for cleaning 39 objects of the Government Office of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, furthermore, the national areas of IT Services Hungary Kft., with a contract valid for several years. In the newly won facilities, they also fulfil property protection, customer service and receptionist services. These works have brought new challenges to the sector. The company develops risk factor-based property protection proposals to its clients. It pays great attention to internal controls, regulating the service. With the introduction and operation of self-developed electronic guard logs, it saves a lot of time and money. Using the new technology, the company was able to significantly reduce reaction times, while ensuring a faster and direct information flow and prompt client information. Thereby the company has also streamlined and simplified filing and archiving activities. The selection, continuous training and career development of the employees of the sector is also a special task of the leader of the service, Andrea Mészáros, who is a confident and well-prepared lady – said Lajos Jánosik, the owner of the company.

03/28 '17

Jánosik és Társai Kft. is building a model residential park in Miskolc

The implementation of the model residential park built by Jánosik és Társai Kft. proceeds according to the schedule, and the owners will be able to move in already in this year. The 100% Hungarian private-owned company creates the model residential park - incorporating 49 apartments - as an own investment worth about HUF 1.5 billion. Almost half of the buildings have already been constructed and the establishment of interior spaces has begun. As Jánosik Kft. has several decades of practice in construction industry implementation, operation, park maintenance, therefore they will not leave those moving in alone, but take care of the comfort of those living there and of the operation by providing complex services. The company was not established for only this single project, thus it is reliable with the fulfilment of longer-term guarantees and warranty obligations, which solution can serve as a pattern also for other investments. In Jura Residential Park, established in a green area near the centre of Miskolc which is still quiet, the floor space of the smallest apartment is 60 and of the largest is 110 square meters. If needed, the yet unfinished apartments can be redesigned according to the requirements of buyers - even by displacing the partition walls. The ready apartments can be further modified by drywall partition walls. When designing the layout, care was taken to ensure that also the smaller-sized apartments can provide a comfortable living space for those living in them. In the attics, 6 pcs of penthouse homes will be created with all comfort and luxuries. The premium-category hard floors and interior finishes can be customized in the flats. In the course of implementation, environmental awareness is of particular importance. For the energy supply of apartments, an energy-efficient, low-cost system has been designed. The safety of those moving into the residential park is ensured by a closed garden, an underground parking garage and an access control system. The buildings are fully clean and accessible, equipped with lifts. A separate playground will await families with children. Those moving into the model residential park can take advantage of ‘CSOK’, the government’s home-creating program.

02/10 '17

Jánosik és Társai Kft. operates a hotel in Miskolc

The largest hotel of Miskolc, UNI Hotel extended the contract for the operation of the complex for an indefinite period of time with Jánosik és Társai Kft. The company will not only perform the cleaning of the hotel owned by OTP Ingatlan Zrt., but also its complex operation. This means that Jánosik Kft. will fulfil the 24-hour receptionist service, the maintenance of the property, the cleaning of the property, washing of bedding, caring of the outdoor area and the security service. Thus, here they perform all they are good at and what the company is capable of in one place – said Lajos Jánosik, the owner of the company. The services provided to the hotel have even been expanded. A hotel management system has been set up for transparent and traceable operation. To improve the work of the security service, an electronic guard service log has been introduced. The company has a total of 30 employees working here. UNI-HOTEL is not only a university dormitory. Its continuous operation requires special preparedness. From September to July, it hosts more than five hundred students of the University of Miskolc. However, during this period it accepts external guests, as well. It can offer accommodation and catering services for guest teachers, foreign students and tourists visiting Miskolc – a total of 60 persons. In the summer months, it is open for external guests with its full capacity. With its comfort level and services, it can satisfy even the highest quality demands. The facilities of the hotel’s lecture halls and the sports complex rich in equipment are also ideal for the programs of larger groups. From the beginning of July to the end of August, they can accommodate up to 603 guests. Jánosik also participates in the preparation of the hotel’s events and programs, providing the necessary technical background. “In fact, during the successful and efficient work of several years, the company has shown that it is suitable for full-scale operation,” said Rita Káelné Kovács, the managing director of Miskolci Diákotthon Kft., the director of the hotel.

01/10 '17

Jánosik és Társai Kft. carries out constrution work at IT Services Hungary Kft.

Jánosik és Társai Kft. won the tender for the renovation of the Pécs office of IT Services Hungary Kft. (ITSH)  ITSH, which has commissioned the modernization and expansion of the buildings, currently employs 572 people in Pécs. “According to the plans, the company will establish another 300 workplaces in the city,” said Lajos Jánosik, the owner of the contractor company. ITSH, founded in 2006, is the second most attractive employer among those speaking English and German language and interested in the IT industry, according to a survey conducted in the last year. On the basis of the last year’s experience, in response to the market situation, Jánosik Kft. has established its Construction industry 2. sector. One of the first works of the new organisation is the construction in Pécs. The new building part, apart from the basement and the ground floor will have four floors, with 413 square meters per floor. In total, nearly 2,500 square meters will be developed. The size of the external facade reaches 1,300 square meters. There is also a need to work on the correction of the already existing building previously renovated by other companies. In the work lasting for 6 months, almost fifty people, mostly local entrepreneurs will participate. The sales revenue of the works of construction industry sector 1 and 2 at Jánosik Kft. planned for this year is expected to reach a total of 4.5 billion forints – said Lajos Jánosik.

12/08 '16

Jánosik és Társai Kft. has become a 10 billion company

Just like last year, Jánosik és Társai Kft. will achieve a net sales revenue of 10 billion forints also this year. According to the year-end quick balance sheet, the efficiency exceeds 200 million. This is almost the same result as in the previous year. “Thus, overall, the company can close a successful year” – informed Lajos Jánosik, the owner of the company. The business that has been operating for more than 25 years has become international after having won their first foreign assignment in Slovakia. By 2016, the company has continued to expand its coverage in Hungary, as they have won tenders in national parks, fuel stations, and in respect of the renovation of buildings in several counties and in Budapest. Certain sectors of the company have retained their national market leader position, while others have remained a recognized market factor. The turnover of the cleaning business, the main profile of the diversified company this year amounted to nearly 6 billion forints, which is 18 percent higher than last year’s revenue. In 2016, the revenue of the construction industry sector reached 2 billion forints. In order to take advantage of construction industry capacities, the company has started its own investments. For example, in Miskolc, they are building a 49-apartment residential park. The 650-million revenue of the security service sector means an improvement of 30 percent. With its 500-million turnover, the operating and maintenance sector has also surpassed its this year’s plan. The 250-million revenue of the outdoor care sector means an improvement of 20 percent. The number of employees of Jánosik has increased significantly compared to the previous year. By the end of the year, the company provides a secure job and livelihood to nearly 1,500 own employees. One of the secrets of their successes is that the result of their work is largely recycled to the business. This year, it is planned that only 20 percent of the pre-tax profits will be paid out as dividends, and the remainder will further develop the company. As a recognition of their high-quality work, the company won several awards also this year. They won the audience price of one of the largest architectural competition of the world, the Architizer A+ Awards award, for the complete renovation of the Galyatető lookout tower. Another one of this year’s successes was the receipt of the MagyarBrands Award in the Excellent Business Brand category. According to the plans for 2017, they will further develop the cleaning sector. In the construction industry sector, they expect a recovery, but they will also continue with own investments. Thus the revenue of Jánosik Kft. will reach 11 billion forints. They would like to expand also beyond the borders, said Lajos Jánosik.

11/10 '16

Jánosik és Társai Kft. has become the winner of the MagyarBrands Award

Jánosik és Társai Kft. won the MagyarBrands Award in the Excellent Business Brand category This year it was the seventh time that domestic brands have been assessed by the evaluators of MagyarBrands. Jánosik Kft. was found to be worthy of this award in this competition – informed Lajos Jánosik, owner of the company. The MagyarBrands Award is granted on the basis of quantifiable criteria, complemented by the decision of a committee consisting of voluntary and independent experts. In the assessment, one of the most important aspects is that the brand should be owned by Hungarians. Jánosik Kft. is a 100% Hungarian company. They have also achieved a good result after the assessment of their reputation, as the reputation of the company is remarkably good among their customers and professionals. The economic performance of the company owning the brand was evaluated separately. Accordingly, in 2013, the company reached a turnover of 6.3 billion, in 2014 it reached 8.4 billion, while in 2015 it reached a turnover of 10 billion forints. One of the secrets of their successes is that the result of their work is largely recycled to the business. This year, only 15 percent of the pre-tax profits was paid out as dividends, and the remainder will further develop the company. The size of the company can also be characterized by the fact that the head count of employees has also increased considerable in recent years, any by 2015, they had reached 1,000 own workers. It has invested considerable capital and expertise in all of its developments. When granting the award, it was also considered that the diversified company that is the market leader in the field of cleaning services has been present in the domestic market for more than 20 years. The selection of the excellent consumer brands is also influenced by the results of the nationwide consumer research observing awareness and popularity level of companies carried out by Gfk Hungaria Market Research Institute. Based on the decision of the Professional Committee, Jánosik és Társai Kft. is an excellent business brand. “The award is not only a recognition but also means an active help to clients, customers and also in the work of our partners” – said Lajos Jánosik.

10/21 '16

Jánosik és Társai Kft. carries out cleaning services also in Slovakia

The corporate strategy requiring outstanding services from the aspect of price-value ratio has paid off. Thanks to this, starting from 1 October of this year, Jánosik és Társai Kft. can start performing its cleaning services in 24 Tesco stores in the territory of Slovakia – announced Lajos Jánosik, the owner of the company. Jánosik has been present in the cleaning of domestic supermarkets and chain stores for more than 10 years. The 450 employees of the company work in Eastern Hungary on a total of 52,000 square meters, in Western Hungary on 54,000 square meters, and in the Pest region, on almost 120,000 square meters. The skilled cleaning brigades work in up to three shifts, at the night at Tesco stores to create clean, cultured shopping conditions. The reputation of their well-performed, high-quality work has passed beyond the borders of the country, thus the company got an assignment also from the Slovakian Tesco. For the time being, they have contracted for cleaning 24 stores in the vicinity of Bratislava. If they can ensure the Hungarian standard also in Slovakia, they will also have the opportunity to clean even bigger hypermarkets. The assignments are for full cleaning services of storerooms, warehouses and offices, furthermore, certain cleaning services of outdoor areas. Just like in Hungary, the company has to meet very stringent quality requirements also in other Member States of the European Union. The activities of the company are monitored on the basis of a list, on a weekly basis, from all aspects. Apart from the training held about the usual HR, work and accident protection, furthermore, integrated quality management system, the employees working in the stores also receive a special technological training. The new assignment also involves new challenges. This occurs already during the recruitment of the staff, as, for example, the wages, labour and taxation rules are different, and the language differences require special attention, too. To overcome this, the company employs an employee in its Miskolc office who is able to speak Slovak language at mother tongue level. Foreign workers will also wear a uniform with a Jánosik logo on it – said Lajos Jánosik. This year’s planned net sales revenue of the diversified Jánosik és Társai Kft. is 10 billion forints, out of which the share of the cleaning sector is 50 percent.

09/25 '16

Jánosik és Társai Kft. is building a model residential park

Jánosik és Társai Kft. is building a model residential park The 100% Hungarian private-owned company will create the model residential park - incorporating 49 apartments - as an own investment. As Jánosik Kft. has several decades of practice in construction industry implementation, operation, park maintenance, therefore they will not leave those moving in alone, but take care of the comfort of those living there and of the operation by providing complex services. The company was not established for only this single project, thus it is reliable with the fulfilment of longer-term guarantees and warranty obligations. Jura Residential Park is being established in a green area near the centre of Miskolc which is still quiet; the implementation will cost HUF 1.5 billion. The smallest apartment will have 65, and the largest will have 110 square meters. When designing the layout, care was taken to ensure that also the smaller-sized apartments can provide a comfortable living space for those living in them.  In the attics, 6 pcs of penthouse homes will be created with all comfort and luxuries. In the course of implementation, environmental awareness is of particular importance. For the energy supply of apartments, an energy-efficient, low-cost system has been designed. The safety of those moving into the residential park is ensured by a closed garden, a camera surveillance system and an access control system. They have also thought of the disabled: the buildings are fully clean and accessible, equipped with lifts. A separate playground will await families with children. Those moving into the model residential park can take advantage of ‘CSOK’, the government’s home-creating program.  According to the plans, the complex will be finished by the end of the next year – said Lajos Jánosik, the owner of the contractor company.

07/19 '16

Jánosik és Társai Kft. maintains a National Park

Jánosik és Társai Kft. won an assignment for the maintenance of the area of a National Park of 1,000 hectares in an open public procurement tender Although the staff of the company has already been working at a number of national parks, such as: at the Bükk National Park, the current assignment means a new kind of activity in the life of the company – said Lajos Jánosik, owner of the company. In the protected natural areas of the Körös-Maros National Park Directorate, during the management of the nature conservation areas, Jánosik performs coarse fodder production, mowing, swathing, or, if necessary, swath distribution and baling work processes. During the work to be performed in the territorial units of Dévaványai-Ecsegi steppes and Csanádi steppes, particularly strict work instructions must be observed. Not only the quality of the feed produced is important. During the work, special attention must be paid to the protection of the wild animal species. Work processes can be performed by using special machines and machine accessories, ensuring warning of wild animals to escape. For example, we eliminate the use of a front scythe, the scythe mounted with the stem-damaging auxiliary option, or the use of efficient game repellents. Amongst others, the most significant sized bustard population of Hungary lives and nests on these territorial units.  For example, this is why it is forbidden to perform night work here, and only bird-friendly mowing can be carried out. Looking for new opportunities, Jánosik continuously expands the range of its services. The currently won seasonal contract means a 10% revenue increase in the company’s outdoor sector. “Knowledge of and respect for the environment is of prime importance during our work” – said Lajos Jánosik.  

06/13 '16

Jánosik és Társai Kft. renewed its quality assurance system also in this year

Jánosik és Társai Kft., the Hungarian company with an integrated management system will renew its quality assurance system this year, as well. This is regarded as important because the multi-faceted company that is the market leader in cleaning services can thank for its ever-increasing results to the consistent monitoring of and compliance with strict quality requirements – said Lajos Jánosik, the owner of the business. The previously individually obtained certificates have been integrated into a single system, and the certification processes were done according to these ones this year, as well. After the full internal screening, the auditors of the specialized external companies finished the audits in the second half of May. The energy management system according to the ISO 50001 standard has been renewed, furthermore, the supervisory audit of the ISO 27001 information security system has been carried out, as well. The audit of the ISO 9001 quality management system, the ISO 14001 environmental management system, the MSZ 28001 (OHSAS 18001) work safety management and the military quality management system according to the AQAP 2120 military norm has also recently been completed. The latter is one of the most stringent certificates and it is indispensable for NATO supplier qualification, to participate in military tenders. The company’s sales revenue in the last year reached 10 billion forints. They expect a revenue of more than 10 billion this year, as well. “The strict quality control and the successful protection of the six audits is one of the best guarantees towards clients” – said Lajos Jánosik, owner of the company.

05/23 '16

Galyatető lookout tower, renovated by Jánosik has won the audience prize.

The renovated Galyatető lookout tower and tourist center has won the audience price of one of the largest architectural competitions of the world. The Architizer A+ Awards prize is a very prestigious international recognition, founded by, an American architectural news portal together with the Wall Street Journal Magazine and Webby. The best ones are selected by a professional jury from among the candidates in more than one hundred categories. “For the Galyatető lookout tower, votes could be submitted in the Renovation category, and thanks to the voters, it managed to won the audience prize” – informed Lajos Jánosik, the owner of Jánosik és Társai Kft., the company who performed the renovation of the lookout tower. The stone lookout tower, located at a height of 960 meters was renovated by Jánosik nearly two years ago.  The lookout tower, located at Péter-hegyes was built in 1934. By now, the surrounding trees have almost completely grown around it, so the view was undisturbed only in northern direction. This is why it was time to completely renovate the lookout tower and increase its height with 10 meters, so that one can enjoy the magnificent panorama of Mátra in 360 degrees again. The lookout tower with natural stone covering was originally 17 meters high, onto which a 10 meters high reinforced concrete building part was constructed. For this, the foundation had to be reinforced, so that the building had to remain stabile during the digging process. A monolithic reinforced concrete slab was placed on top of the old building; this holds the new, 10-meter lookout tower part. Instead of the obsolete, rusted iron stairs inside the lookout tower, two staircases were built on the outside of the building. Tourists can use one of them for going upward and the second one for going downward, avoiding the former tumults. A stainless steel protective net was placed next to the external stairs, for security reasons. At the entrance, a modern access control system has been set up. The electrical network of the lookout tower was also completely renewed. The special venue required several special procedures during the implementation. The construction took place in an area subject to environmental protection, therefore particular attention was paid to the preservation of the environment. For example, tower crane could not be used for the construction of the new part of the lookout tower. The new tower part was pulled up manually, with small-table formwork. During the work, the workers have paid special attention to the environment, protecting the existing trees and vegetation. The reconstruction of the lookout tower - corresponding to the height of a 10-storey residential house - required special preparation. “The investment of a total cost of 62 million forints has been completed by the deadline” – said Lajos Jánosik.

04/25 '16

Jánosik és Társai Kft. at government offices

Jánosik és Társai Kft. won the open public procurement tender published for the security protection and cleaning of the Government Office of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County. The five-year contract means a 5 percent revenue increase for the market leader in cleaning services – said Lajos Jánosik, the owner of the company. From among the applicants, the diversified nationwide company was chosen because it has good references and experience in guarding and cleaning similar public buildings. It fulfils the guarding and cleaning of 63 objects in 16 settlements of the county, either fully or by providing only one of the services. The locations include Educational and Official Departments, Land Registry Offices, District Offices, Government Windows and Public Health Departments, as well. In case of the latter, the cleaning of laboratories requiring special training is also one of the tasks of the company. More than 130 people work in the guarding and cleaning services. The task of the security service is to minimize security risks and to operate and technically develop the already existing, built out property protection systems. They are in charge of fulfilling customer management and reception service tasks, together with security consultancy. Cleaning tasks include, amongst others, continuously keeping those rooms in order where customers can show up; constantly filling up refill materials and overall cleaning twice a year. “The high quality expectations can be met by continuously training workers and introducing a strict quality assurance system” – said Lajos Jánosik.  

01/20 '16

Jánosik és Társai Kft. at Lukoil filling stations

Starting from January 2016, under the decision of Normbenz Magyarország Kft., Jánosik és Társai Kft. will be in charge of the maintenance of 41 domestic LUKOIL filling stations.  The related contract was signed by the representatives of the companies in December. Under the contract, from now on, Jánosik will perform the maintenance and repair of roads located in the territory of the buildings and filling stations indicated in the agreement. Jánosik, which was announced as the winner in the call for tenders at the end of the last year has been performing similar work for more than 10 years for the largest Hungarian oil company, MOL Nyrt. (MOL Plc.). Now the company concluded a similar agreement with Normbenz Hungary, owning 75 domestic and 19 Slovakian LUKOIL filling stations. “Jánosik és Társai Kft. is in charge of the maintenance and repair work of 41 domestic LUKOIL filling stations, which means more than 50 percent of the domestic filling stations owned by Normbenz Magyarország Kft.” – said Lajos Jánosik, the owner of Jánosik és Társai Kft. The maintenance of a filling station involves a number of tasks that require the knowledge of highly skilled professionals. The maintenance work may not disturb the operation of the filling station, and the quality of buildings and the surrounding roads must be in accordance with the high quality requirements imposed by Normbenz Magyarország Kft. Jánosik concluded a framework contract for two years with Normbenz Hungary, which can be extended for another one year.

12/08 '15

Jánosik Kft. closes a successful year

This year, for the first time since its foundation more than 20 years ago, Jánosik és Társai Kft. reaches the net sales revenue of 10 billion forints. “According to the first quick balance sheet, the efficiency exceeds 400 million, so it can be said that the company closes a successful year” – informed Lajos Jánosik, the owner of the company. By 2015, the company has become a business organisation certain sectors of which have become national market leaders, and others have become recognized market factors. The turnover of the cleaning business, the main profile of the diversified company this year amounted to 4.5 billion forints, which is 30 percent higher than last year’s revenue. In 2015, the construction industry was another dynamically developing sector, and its revenue - thanks to the investments supported by the European Union - also reached 4.5 billion, which again means a 30% increase. The 450-million revenue of the Security service sector means an improvement of 10 percent. With its 400-million turnover, the Operating sector has also surpassed its this year’s plan. The company is present in almost every area of the country. This year, it was typical that the tasks were solved with own employees instead of subcontractors. The number of employees increased significantly compared to the previous year. By the end of the year, the company provides a secure job and livelihood to more than 1,000 own employees. One of the secrets of their successes is that the result of their work is largely recycled to the business. This year, it is planned that only 15 percent of the pre-tax profits will be paid out as dividends, and the remainder will further develop the company. Plans for next year are being prepared. In 2016 it is expected that the cleaning sector will grow further, which is also indicated by the evolution of the client portfolio. “Investments are expected to become more moderate, so the revenue of the construction industry will be more moderate, but will still reach 3-4 billion forints” – said Lajos Jánosik.